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Posted (edited)

I've had this cold or something. it started over 82 days ago. I dont really know what it is. It started off just a runny nose, then coughing and a stuffy nose and a wierd urge to clear my throght evey ten seconds. whenever i blowew the nose, i got this yellow and reddish-brown mucus, the same when i cogh it up. my nose kept bleeding, but not a lot, just dripping slowly likea kitchen sink when you dont sut it off allthe way. i forced myself to stop clearing my throght. buckleys cold medicine didn't seem to work.


the stuff never does work. then there was inflamation in the nasal cavity or somewhere that was blocking whatever supplied the ears with air or something. my ears were popped like i was on an airplane. the doctor and got some nasal spray stuff. it cleared EVERYTHING up until it ran out. then the symptoms came back, exactly the same. then another doctor told me i had a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics. amoxicillin i think. everything slowly started getting better. i ran out of pills but i thought it cleared up. a month later, i had heart burn.


i dont know what it came from or if it was related to the stuff i had before but it was really painful. every time i breathed in i felt this sharp pain. i was riding my bicycle at the time. i got home and took two antacids and layed down on the couch for a couple of minutes. it was gone all of a sudden. now, i keep getting acid backing up my esophagus into my mouth, sort of like a burp. once i ate a whole bag of marshmallows and i really had acid backing up. once i tried to drink a doctor pepper and it felt like there was stuff stuck in my esophagus. i also have a sore throut.


i am blowing the nose again and it was the same colors as before. Someone told me I may have ACID REFLUX. she has it, too and she told me its weird that I'm getting it so early. she used to have a really bad cough like i did. i looked up acid reflux on the internet, and most of my symptoms seem to fit. especially the acid regurgitation. the thing i had in late January to early February was probably just a sinus infection. these two things were probably unrelated.



gc edit: broke long paragraph into small paragraphs, so we can read post better

Edited by GameCop

sounds like the T-virus to me. are you craving brains?

  IJTF_Cinder said:


probably not but SARS is my favorite disease. just the sound of it: SARS!!

Posted (edited)
  Inky said:
sounds like the T-virus to me. are you craving brains?


no. nor am i getting a terrible itch and craving flesh and losing memory.


Thats from resident evil, isn't it? resisdent evil is my favorite game.


I never really knew why i chose a zombie for my picture.

Edited by endoplasmic reticulum
  Robert said:


ebola is a virus. it was a bacterial infection.


You sure it's not the hiv? Or possibly herpes, gonorrhea, the clap, papilloma, or syphallis?

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