BritneysPAIRS Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 reconfig gamepad (the overall one) there is a fps about 5-10 down.. make it right thumbstick click or something. They seem to loss a bit of the frame rates but can do this for all mamex-b6 gamesmortal kombatmortal kombat2nba jamnba jam tenarc mameox0.722on2 open icemortal kombat3ultimate mortal kombat3rampage world tour and write down the minimum gameplay aprox framerates please
fumanchu Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 ive tried them out and heres my results.mamex-b6mortal kombat 44/53fpsmortasl kombat2 37/53fpsnba jam 35/53narc 33/57bear in my mind the fps jumped so quick between the speeds that gameplay isnt affected. mameox0.72nba jam te 27/53 throttle 95% and again the fps counter jumped so quickly that gameplay was not affected.mk3 38/53 again fps counter jumped really quickly between 53 and 38fps that gameplay was good.umk3 37/53fps again goodrampage world tour 25/53 but again this was very minimal and the gameplay speed was never really affected especially with the throttling.
fumanchu Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 actually bp i dont know if this is any good to you but maybe some other people might find this useful.after messing about with the midway games to day in mamex-b6 and mameox0.72 i remembered about the mortal komabat pack which has mk1,2and3 ripped from the arcade treasures 2 pack.anyway i have the actual midway tresures2 disc so i had a look at it in my file explorer and seeing as mk1,2and3 can be launched i thought i would try the other games that arent emulated to well in coinops due to the drivers namely rampage world tour,hard driven,primal rage and narc.full list of games on the disc,the disc is basically an emualtor with roms.A.P.B. Arch Rivals Championship Sprint Cyberball 2072 Gauntlet II Hard Drivin' Kozmik Krooz'r Mortal Kombat II Mortal Kombat 3 NARC Pit-Fighter Primal Rage Rampage World Tour Spy Hunter II Timber Total Carnage Wacko Wizard of Wor Xenophobe Xybots the games launch directly off the dash as they each have their own default.xbe so they can be launched individually.i just made a folder for each game that arent emulated to well in coinops and there are only 3 folder files in each game folder.its very easy to do and now i can launch primal rage,hard driven,mk1,mk2,mk3,rampage world tour and narc dirctly off my dash and they are emulated arcade perfectly.obviously you have the .cut files coming but this is the best way ive found id say for people who dont wont to use earlier version of mameox like b6 or 0.72 for the midway games.
BritneysPAIRS Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 OK trig we are 70percent of the way speed up.... I missed the file as my pc crash can you send me the patch again pretty please Championship Sprint plays perfect in COINops fum
fumanchu Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 OK trig we are 70percent of the way speed up.... I missed the file as my pc crash can you send me the patch again pretty please Championship Sprint plays perfect in COINops fumyeah i know championship sprint plays fine its just mk1,2,3,narc,rampage world tour,hardriven and primal rage which i have done this with.i might upload the files somewhere this weekend if i get the chance.
BritneysPAIRS Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 if you want I could look at a hidden swtich to launch the emus inside coinops? a hidden switch use alternative xbes instead of coinops and launch the xbe..... make a folder called alternatives if the alternative/mk2/default.xbe == true and switch is on run it? is it worth it...trig has made big progress into mk2 and mk3 and umk spreedups hes the man its not quite there yet but tey are now playable but a bit glitchy instead of unplayable is there anyway to launch streetfighter3 3rd strike with no menu? in that cps3 emu fum??? if so ill def make a switch and add those games in by default well a few of them
darknior Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 Woaw excelent idea to use swtich to launch an other emus inside coinops Like that we can upgrade compatibility quicker lol Thanks
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 iq_132 has just fixed DJ Boy for you guys hes the man for sure
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 iq_132 just killed some Cabal drivers hehehe but he got the 3 Button versions going so now you can roll ............ I like
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