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NeoRaine 1.2.4 released


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NGCD emulator


neoraine (1.2.4) unstable; urgency=low


* Fix the stupid bug with "mute sfx" freezing the emulation


* Fix a crash when trying to cancel "update sprite block" in neocd options.


* Now correctly emulate the pause command sent to the audio cd before loading any file from the cd. The "Always stop cd music while loading" option moves from neocd options to sound options and is now set to yes by default, and is saved while you leave the emulator.


* Speed hacks are coming back in a better form. The speed hacks autodetection could not work anymore for a few versions, it's working again now (try ironclad, you'll see the difference). There is now an option in "neocd options" to disable speed hacks if you fear the game might be a little faster with speed hacks enabled (it's not the case normally, speed hacks just make the animations smoother normally, but there might be exceptions).

>> Get it HERE.

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