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I was waiting for so long for these games to come out and when they finally did I was sick for about a month. During that time I ended up having to go to the ER at one point and my insurance really sucks so I have been sitting around waiting to get an insane bill from the hospital.


Needless to say I have been holding onto my wallet to see if this happens but I’m hesitant to spend the money because it seems like as soon as I do, other expenses come up.


I played the demos for both of these games and Killzone 2 blew my mind. :lol: I really loved the first game, and got stuck on “Liberation” for the PSP.


I was never big into Resident Evil until I played 4 on the Wii. The one thing that felt akward in the RE5 demo was aiming with the controller as opposed to the Wii-mote but I really like the idea of finally being able to play co-op.


For those who were lucky enough to get these when they came out, what do you think of them? I have been fighting the urge to just say “screw it” and go out to pick them both up but I think I should probably wait to see if I have dodged my bills first.

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