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Well last week I went to Miami. I was just riding with a buddy who had to go there on buisness. Well after delivering the binders, we stood on South Beach for a sec.


Dude it was packed! I mean the entire beach was filled in as far as the eye can see. But hardly anyone actually in the water. Well anyway. There was alot of fine ladies. Unfortunately I saw nipple... the nipple of a busted ass titty. Some lady was sunbathing with her top askew... and I got an eyeful of ka-busted boob. hahahahaha


Most people were obviousally interested in sunbathing, or showing off their "stuff" most the people in the water were obviousally tourists. But Miami is... busted. Just like that breast. Sure every city has its dirty areas... but everywhere I went seemed... filthy, fun down. Most of the tall buildings I saw were resort style, which further boggles my mind. Sooo many tourists, but I never hear about how dirty the place looks. Im not claiming Orlando here is clean. Heh... Theres a few places you'd want to stear clear of. But... It makes me wonder, is there anywhere that is actually awesome?!


I saw ALOT of douchebags. Alot. There is appearently a shortage of cool people... everywhere you go.


Was going to get ahold of Akihiro, but he wasnt on before I decided to go. Not that I'd have time to hang out much.


Ok on side notes. We stopped off at some fast food joint. As we approached the drivethrough, a huge lizzard darted across the road, ate something and began to scurry away. My friend was hollering for me to jump out and catch it... I tried but it got away. Dude... we have lizzaerds here in Orlando. They are everywhere... the kind you put on your earlobe as a kid... small skinny lizzards. This thing would-have eaten our lizzards in one gulp! We were only 120 miles away from Orlando.... Makes you think, how delicate the eco system is... If those things were to make it up here, the lizzard population might deminish... but then again.... stray cats.... Any-way native giant lizzards I never knew about. Badass.


Oh, and while doing that, my friend wanted to stop off, he saw an arcade. I was smacking my teeth... but he wanted to check it out. I stayed in the car eating my burger... then he comes out with a WTF grin. It said arcade... but it was filled with slot machine arcades and a ton of elderly people. HAHAHA we were in a retirement area... LOL


Glad you had a good time. You deserved it! Although Miami isn't preferred, it's good to get out. I wouldn't go back to Miami if someone paid me. I hate it.


Speaking of travels, I'm in Kisimi as I'm typing this right now Belth. Even if you could've gotten ahold of me last week was finals week so I didn't have time to do anything.


Glad you had fun though, getting a group of friends and going to the beach is a "once a year" thing for me though. Come to think of it, besides the beach there really isn't any other "scene" that you would want to check out though. Odd considering Miami is a tourist attraction.

Hmmm your near Hera. Not too far off from me either.


haha..he's like 30 mins from me. :blink:



I've been to Miami twice and each time I left, I had this odd smell on all of my clothes. The whole place smelled funny, too many people pissed me off, I felt like I had to dodge bullets when I opened the door to go outside because of ignorant hombres, there was a killing EVERY SINGLE DAY down the street I was staying at and it WASN'T in the ghetto, I had my camera stolen, everything was too expensive (you could buy the same damn shirt up here for $60 less), this list could go on about the nightmares I had there.


There was a bunch of good food though. And the hotel I stayed at was very nice.

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