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From drk||Raziel’s blog:


Finaly some progress!


After many many many many many months of inactivity i finaly started some real work on the dynarec.It now features a basic IL with a working decoder frontend and backends for x86/arm/mips-allegrex.Work is currently done to port the code to Wii/ps3/ps2 ( only if libstdc++ worked …)/xbox.Anyway i don’t feel like writing atm maby i’l edit this post later


*edit #1*


Note that the arm videos are much older than the psp, the arm rec misses MANY opcodes at that point.When ZeZu brings arm on par/i get the beagleboard he mailed speeds should be ~ 3x of what psp gets :)


*edit #2*


To give some PSP numbers, bios (menu) is up from ~ 1.5 fps to ~9, Doa2 ingame from ~0.8 to ~4.5 , PoP3d from ~ 1.2 to ~9.Only 4x more to get PoP fullspeed :banghead:


Results :



(video by PSPdemon)



(videos by ZeZu — he’s the one working on the omap front atm)




Prince Of Persia

Dreamcast games running on a PSP... Even at those frame rates, whoulda thunk it?


Amazing indeed. if they bring the fps up to 30Hz hopefully we can run Shenmue then :banghead:


what the heck is a "beagle board"?

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