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For all 4 games from XMenVSStreetFighter to MarvelVSCapcom2, how do you do chain air combos? I can get at most 5 hits before the enemy falls off.


Also, are some characters too strong? Does anyone know how to fight extremely aggressive characters like Ruby?


It's all in the lauchers. You can always check GameFAQs, if you are unclear about the mechanics of a particular game.


Usually a specific move that will set up the opponent for an air combo ("launcher", as in, a move that will launch the opponent in the air).


When you're in the air, basic hunter combo is lp, lk, mp, mk then end with a move or fierce.

Fierce hits, moves, and specials usually knock your opponent back down on the ground


Agozer is right but you don't necessarily have to launch them to do an aerial rave (even though this makes it a hell of a lot easier). As long as they are in the air, you can combo them.


I already can launch them into the air, but I can only get like a 4 hit combo. So it's lp lk mp mk, can you do only one cycle of that? So that's like 6 hits maximum? (two light punches to launch them into the air)


What is "end with a move or fierce"?

What is "end with a move or fierce"?

End the combo with a special move or fierce punch or fierce kick.


If your just starting out with fighting games imo its best to stay on the ground rather then jumping into your opponent. Work on your ground combo's. King of Fighters and SVC are good examples that work well with ground combo's. Games like MvsC1 and 2 Have jumping deep hits that set up certain combo's.

This is just my opinionated take based on my experience and how different 2D fighters feel to me.


You could always check out combo vids on youtube. they have plenty to watch. My fav is Marvel vs Capcom 2. I still play the game and highly enjoy it. My characters are Storm, Sentinel, and Dr. Doom. Also, practice, practice, and more practice. I've spent countless hours honing my skills.

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