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ROFL Gah... roooose


I'll make fun of everything, but I usually don't mean harm... usually. If Im trying to make someone angry or trying to call them out or just trying to make a point to their dumb ass, i'll try not use easy targets like the obvious. They already heard it way too much anyway. Like that movie with steve martin (Roxanne)20 something betters.

although that movie is just plain silly, the point remains.


anyway... speaking of fat




hahaha yess...Rose...I like to make fun of her fish face. Anyway Steve Martin is genius. Don't care if people hate him. There are so many things I could say to people but it doesn't really do anything. Although if it's a confrontation, I enjoy making them feel as stupid as possible. Play on their ignorance a bit until they lose control so I can always profess self defense :P

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hahaha yess...Rose...I like to make fun of her fish face. Anyway Steve Martin is genius. Don't care if people hate him. There are so many things I could say to people but it doesn't really do anything. Although if it's a confrontation, I enjoy making them feel as stupid as possible. Play on their ignorance a bit until they lose control so I can always profess self defense :P

Guppy Lips, the Baha Pipeline debutant honerary crip skydiving blackbelt surfer. She is a flocking joke.


hahaha yess...Rose...I like to make fun of her fish face. Anyway Steve Martin is genius. Don't care if people hate him. There are so many things I could say to people but it doesn't really do anything. Although if it's a confrontation, I enjoy making them feel as stupid as possible. Play on their ignorance a bit until they lose control so I can always profess self defense :P

Guppy Lips, the Baha Pipeline debutant honerary crip skydiving blackbelt surfer. She is a flocking joke.





I guess we can give her enough credit..she has quite an imagination.


Cruel? Hmm, yes I've been extremely cruel in the past. I'm not too much now today, although I have exploded on friends (not on purpose), and thankfully they're still friends with me today. By exploded I mean...be cruel, but I've hurt a ton of people before for the sake of my sanity or because I've felt the urge too. Yes it has bitten me in the ass before, although I'm glad that I went through a stage like that, now I know what I can and can not do to another human being.


Judgemental, I'm beyond the extreme, I see people and instantly come to conclusion when viewing their clothing, body type, age, etc. Sometimes I tend to come out and say it which sucks even more.


Lately however, it's been a little different, I know why, and I'll leave it at that.


O, and I've been called fat by skinny people, fat people, wide people, bokey people, my usual responce (considering that everyone self-reflects, and when they go above and beyond to point out what they consider an insecurity in you is usually a insecurity in themselves) is to shout out twice as loud some words a long the line of "At least I'm not as fat as you".

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