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I was being silly about the cork sniffer comment... I like red wine myself, white is too dry.


Yoooo weed is one thing. But other things... like coke... realy noooot good. You see, coke gets ahold of people a hell of alot easier. It literally re-builds the brain cells. It kills off certain receptors to make room for other receptors... so it can recieve and produce more seratonin. (chemical that makes you feel good) Well, thats a major factor in why they think about it more... those who are hooked.


Usually words like these repell those who see other wise. They usually dont want to hear it. They think the words are BS, and they don't know what they're talking about. I can immagine "he don't know me" or "what does he know"


Ive seen alot. ALOOOT. but who hasnt. Just remember this among all else. Everything in moderation. Don't get to where you want the crap constantly. You SHOULD be able to go a week no problem. If you can't ... if you go w/out and you cant stop thinking about it... you do have a problem.


There are only a few necessities.






Work: as you need to provide for your loved ones, buy your food water and shelter.


All else matters not at all. Everything else is something you can live without. Im not saying what to do... but damn, anyone who has done it all, and now no longer does... can agree with me fully. We have been there. We have done that. Were OG bitches. lol


What's with all the junkies? I've never used drugs in my life. Why risk damaging your body/mind?


people who've never done drugs cant comprehend the feeling, its nothing like getting drunk

people who've never done drugs cant comprehend the feeling, its nothing like getting drunk

I'm sure by the time withdrawal symptoms kick in, that "feeling" is long gone.




I had finally gotten off this terrible drug when I realized it wouldn't bring the dead hooker back to life.



I had finally gotten off this terrible drug when I realized it wouldn't bring the dead hooker back to life.




Cokes bad IMO.

people who've never done drugs cant comprehend the feeling, its nothing like getting drunk


That's very true. When I was on meth (ice), I was losing tons of weight, I was always happy and nothing ever bothered me. People couldn't really tell since I did do it in moderation. At home, it was a different story...people living with me would steal it and if I had my bf hold the stuff, they would walk the streets trying to get some. I felt responsible for their addiction. I've seen friends lose teeth, kids and careers because of the stuff. Quitting that stuff was the hardest thing I ever done. The withdrawals were horrible and even to this day I have to stay away from people that do it. I would be too tempted. I don't think that addiction ever goes away. It's just easier to deal with as time passes.



I will not do any drug ever again. Don't care if it's pot don't care of it's crank, crack or whatever. I'm done with substance abuse. Just getting highly buzzed off alcohol once or twice a year is good enough for me.

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