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Have you never seen who's line?

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colin-mochrie.gifDude is funny!

I love Whos Line. I used to watch it religiously... And I'm talking about the original version. I was happy when we Americans got our version. And Colin here was on both! Same as Ryan Stiles. Wayne Brady was a tremendous addition!!! I tell you who I don't miss... Josie Lawrence. She was not funny... at all.




So happy ... Canada... day??? Who's idea was it to use a proper noun?


I don't think so, I like Wayne. I don't mind Drew but I probably prefer Clive Anderson as host.

I don't think so, I like Wayne. I don't mind Drew but I probably prefer Clive Anderson as host.

Yea I like Wayne Brady too. "Does Wayne Brady have to slap a bitch?" But... thats from Chipelle Show... whatever.


There wasn't actually a "first Canadian" ..it was a group of loyalists for the British that ran off up there to get away from the US fighting for independence.

There wasn't actually a "first Canadian" ..it was a group of loyalists for the British that ran off up there to get away from the US fighting for independence.


I know a few natives that live near me that would say they were here first before the british :D

There wasn't actually a "first Canadian" ..it was a group of loyalists for the British that ran off up there to get away from the US fighting for independence.

Seee! Everyone had to escape the tyrany of the Brittish!!!


There wasn't actually a "first Canadian" ..it was a group of loyalists for the British that ran off up there to get away from the US fighting for independence.


I know a few natives that live near me that would say they were here first before the british :Thumbsright:

Hera and I both have native american in us, (me alot less... I whiter than white) so we can relate to that... lol


Yes, well, unless you're 100% native American you're the offspring of someone British anyway, which in turn means you are part Norman, Saxon, Roman, Viking, Celt, all sorts of shit.

Yes, well, unless you're 100% native American you're the offspring of someone British anyway, which in turn means you are part Norman, Saxon, Roman, Viking, Celt, all sorts of shit.


Not me, My familys hungarian


For the most part... I'm a German/ Irish/ Scott. My last name is of Roman origin.


I get your point though... I'm sure there is some brit in there somewhere. Might you suggest I am at war with myself lol Yea usually were all mixed.

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