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Sounds possible, it says it was three men in a pickup truck towing landscaping equipment. You can read that as three rednecks. So if he crashed into their truck it's not too silly to imagine they'd react that way. Especially if they recognised him.

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Sounds possible, it says it was three men in a pickup truck towing landscaping equipment. You can read that as three rednecks. So if he crashed into their truck it's not too silly to imagine they'd react that way. Especially if they recognised him.

I don't read that as rednecks. I read it as illegal mexicans.


And it's not true.

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What isn't true?


Illegal Mexicans yeah maybe they wanted to beat him up so bad he couldn't report them. Most of the illegal mexicans I run into just try to stay way under the radar and avoid violence and stuff at all costs. One of them hit a friend of mine's car with a van and they just tried to GTFO. They where caught later though and probably deported. They didn't have insurance or anything obviously so my friend was pretty screwed.

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They where caught later though and probably deported.


lol that's a good one.

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So he wasn't in a car accident and attacked by three men? Why is it a prank to say he was? It's not even slightly funny. Shouldn't pranks be funny? When Bruno landed in Eminem's lap at the MTV awards, it was funny. So it was a prank. If it's not funny, it's not a prank. It's just a lie.

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