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Pfft, I got a firecall this morning around 4:30 to respond to an address for an agency assist for the police needing our flood lights on our trucks. Come to find out, this couple's house got broken into by 2 robbers while they were there. A fight insued. The husband died at the hospital from getting shot in the stomach and one of the robbers died by bleeding out while escaping from gunshot wounds. The other robber got away in the get away car and I believe the wife is ok. Guess what they were trying to break into to steal...drugs. HAHA!

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People are uncaring..they'll do whatever they want for drugs or money no matter who they betray. All I can say is that I'm glad you and your family didn't get hurt.


In my old home, we had a cabin in our backyard right off a lake. While I was in middle school, I had a call from the office and the cops were there. Apparently, some guy walks barefoot off the shore of this polluted, broken glass infested lake (people are assholes in that area) BAREFOOT. He jumped over our chain linked fence and my dogs went nuts. My mom heard them and went down to there hearing banging and such. She opened the door and the guy freaked out when he saw this huge woman going after him. He ended up tackling her while holding the t.v. and her head hit the picnic table on the porch. When I got home, I was INCREDIBLY PISSED and stayed in the cabin for a few weeks with my dad's shotgun ready to blow someone to bits.


What pissed me off more than anything was the cops not doing a damn thing. This guy had bloody foot prints all over the cabin floor and they did absolutely nothing about it.



The guy never showed up again. I'm glad he didn't. I was pretty crazy back then.


We're not allowed to have guns for defence against home invasion here. The best I can do is my 12 inch hunting knife. Then hope for a Crocodile Dundee moment.

We're not allowed to have guns for defence against home invasion here. The best I can do is my 12 inch hunting knife. Then hope for a Crocodile Dundee moment.



If you know the moves, anything can be a weapon.

We're not allowed to have guns for defence against home invasion here. The best I can do is my 12 inch hunting knife. Then hope for a Crocodile Dundee moment.



If you know the moves, anything can be a weapon.

I know the moves but whenever I think about the encounter i get a lil......crazy.

Like I see my self beating him with my stick(practices kenpo) and laughing while doing it.

I dislike that feeling, musta been something created in me when i used to get bullied in elementry.

However, bloodlust doesnt match my sexy nature and thus it disgusts me.

If I could describe how it feels i could say it feel like im Kenpachi(bleach ref), that the closest thing i've seen to match how i felt.

.....Am I crazy?!

We're not allowed to have guns for defence against home invasion here. The best I can do is my 12 inch hunting knife. Then hope for a Crocodile Dundee moment.



If you know the moves, anything can be a weapon.

I know the moves but whenever I think about the encounter i get a lil......crazy.

Like I see my self beating him with my stick(practices kenpo) and laughing while doing it.

I dislike that feeling, musta been something created in me when i used to get bullied in elementry.

However, bloodlust doesnt match my sexy nature and thus it disgusts me.

If I could describe how it feels i could say it feel like im Kenpachi(bleach ref), that the closest thing i've seen to match how i felt.

.....Am I crazy?!



Nah..you're not crazy. In fact, when I start visualizing what I would do in a situation, I tend to relish it a bit. I have no sexy nature so bloodlust suits me quite nicely :)


Truthfully, I don't really feel ashamed because I know in reality I would probably handle it much differently.

Congratulations, you just realized your human :(.

Rrealizing we have flaws means we are human.

Some thoughts we just shouldn't bundle up as "normal human behavior" silly capcom icon. :)

THen again, who laid the laws of normal human behavior so w/e.



Nah..you're not crazy. In fact, when I start visualizing what I would do in a situation, I tend to relish it a bit. I have no sexy nature so bloodlust suits me quite nicely

Its there Hera... I just know iT!^^

Also, Relish= Sexy word of the day!!

Love is a fist



Skythe, you're so chivalrous. There is no sweeping off the feet with you. Just knock her out cold and have your way with her caveman style huh?



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