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Name the consoles. I'll start w/the easy ones.


1. dreamcast.jpg




2. gamecube.jpg




3. SonyPSP.jpg




4. 360.jpg




5. ps3.jpg




6. 64.jpg




7. gboy.jpg




8. ps2.jpg




9. commodore.jpg




10. atari5200.jpg




11. segamstrsys.jpg




12. tigergame.jpg




13. zxspec2.jpg




14. 3Do.jpg




15. neogeopktcolor.jpg


Hard for me since I've never owned any of those things... still, here's my guess


2 gamecube

3 psp

4 xbox

5 ps3

7 gameboy

8 a small black blob is hard to make out, but could be a ps2

9 looks like a commodore 64


rest, no idea



edit... oh i see... you gave it away by using the answers in the filenames... :P


Kinda defeats the whole point, huh? Although only mods and admins can check the contents of the post anyway.


Yeah..I'm a loser. I thought about it when I posted the first pic. Oh well.

Nah... I just right-click on a picture and see the properties. Anyone can do that..

Oh yeah, silly me. :/


13 and 14 are the only ones I haven't seen before. Other ones I can recognize or give a pretty good guess at.




1.Sega Dreamcast

2.Nintendo Gamecube

3.Sony PSP

4.XBOX 360

5.Sony PS3


7.Nintendo Gameboy

8.Sony Playstation 2

9.Commodore 64

10.Atari 5200

11.Sega Master System

12.Tiger Game.com

13.ZX Spectrum 2


15.Neo Geo Color Pocket



Everyone still gets a cookie.


Will, throw that recipe together and make these boys some cookies!


9, 10 and 13 were the only ones I didn't know off hand. barring those, the 3do and ps3 I owned everything on that list at one time or another.

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