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Egypt used A LOT of people and races as slaves back then. I'm talking about more modern times.

Im referring to the fact that slavery isn't something new, and folks should have known all about it.


@ veristics comment, I don't care if slaves were treated properly or not. Owning someone is fucked up. I can say this opposing the times, because I never go with the flow. I know what I believe in and am adamant in by beliefs. I'm not arguing with you, I'm saying that what I believe in would not be changed from what is found acceptable in the times. Thats all.


Ahh castes... I didn't realize it exists in India.


lol. I don't like the idea of a great many things but have no idea where to begin to fix everything.


"im fin to ride on these niggaz!"


here is the other side of the scope




i love the Smokey Robinson in the background, lol


'I'm a straight up oreo cookie.'


Yo that guys crazy! White on the inside? He is the one throwing black/white around too. He makes good points, then ruins them with ... whatever you wanna call it, crazy talk. He generalizes too much too. I can totally pick his BS apart, but why. I'll just leave it be.

Enter Hypocrisy, and his sidekick, idiocy!


True dawg...true :peopleseybrow:


i was chillin' in the masta's house!!!




from now on Somali Pirates will be known as Samoan Pirates


lol good shit, i gotta show this to all my black friends

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