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So there is no hookups for laundry machine or drier here... so I got to go up the block to the Laundrymat. Well lookie what they had!


1942a.th.jpg 1942b.th.jpg 1942c.th.jpg


So it's obviously not it the right cabinet... lol, but whatever. I like playing it overhead like this. I need to practice up at home before I play it again, waste of money playing the way I did. Id actually try and put up some scores, but alas, the scores do not save...


That looks sexy.


That same cabin is used here at a local pizza shop, except they have it set up with Frogger and Ms.Pac-Man.


Too bad the only game cabinets I can find around here are stupid redneck hunting games and the games over at GameWorks that cost 3 dollars to play. I guess you could say I have arcade culture shock because I practically grew up at this place:




Spent so much money there, the owner was real cool too. I used to have a bunch of pictures I took of the inside that showed all the games but I have no idea where they went. I wonder why he doesn't show them all on the website. So many classic games the place is like a time warp and that giant clock reminds you of it because it spins backwards.


Interesting. We only have new or semi new games in the arcades in my town.


It's too bad arcades are dead. The only real reason anyone goes now is for some Tekken or the like. Competition. Nothing comes close to hitting up the arcade for some badass games like way beck when. Kids will never really get to understand this, now is the age of home gaming. I remember finding G.I. Joe. That game was badass! I also miss the days of Tekken 2 fests. It's not the same anymore. It's like the last time I visited Asherons Call... The game isn't the same when no one plays. Imagine logging on to World of Warcraft, with 30 people on the entire server.................... yea. Thats the arcade scene today.


I feel ya, I'm glad I was born during the end of the Arcade Era, at least I still have memories of a few times I visited them while their popularity was measly present.


Well I didn't hit the arcades a whole lot when I was real young. When I was in late middle school, I went alot, and hit up the arcades at the mall all the time too. Well my buddy found a place called Rockies Replay, I've made a thread about it back in 07. Anyway, it was very busy. It was IDK... 2000 square Feet or so, not so big, but they had the hotness. They had Tekken, Soul Calibur... Rush, 4 pinball games, air hockey, and various other games that cycled They kept up with the times. I've seen games there I only read about before. They served beer and hotdogs and other various food, and had ashtrays bolted to the machines.


The place was slammed at night. Had Police officers there at night, especially on the weekends. There was even a shut out for minors on the weekends at one point!!! THAT WAS GREAT! Like a poolhall, but with arcade games!!! Those were the days. Now it has tumble weeds rolling by and the sound of lonely game midis' drowned out by the sounds of crickets chirping.


Now all we can do is mod an Xbox and stick it into a cabinet... but even though that is badass... its not like it used to be. Now I kinda understand how older people felt when they reminisced of the good 'ole days.


I live in a seaside town so there are plenty of acrades, with lots of different machines. But nothing 2D, and as such, nothing truly awesome.


Thats too bad.


I wish 1942 saved Highscores. Id practice like a madman at home and make scores impossible to beat by anyone at that laundrymat.

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