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CoinOPS IGNITE vs MAMEoX128 Plus  

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It that time again....I have moved CoinOPS Ingite on a bit features wise with 5 or so newer builds, adding true features.... so its time for another poll. Any feedback is welcome but please no flame wars, its just for info grabbing so I know where im at.



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I clicked to see the results before voting, and now I can't actually vote. I'd have probably voted for CoinOps even though I haven't tried the new release. In release 1 overall CoinOps ran most games better, which is the main thing. I did like the overall layout better in MameoX128 Plus, with L and R used to switch between option categories, and the fact that nothing was hidden, as in no advanced or secret options that need to be turned on to access things.


Two votes isn't that big a lead by the way.


well ice that will never be going back ever. you can put the old mamedox default.xbe and skin folder in CoinOPS and everything will work like you said old school. The games will run the same as coinOPS


Really? Wouldn't putting an old xbe in undo all the new features that you've added? Anyway I'm not suggesting you go back to that interface. The way screenshots are displayed behind the game list in CoinOps for example is much nicer than the way they displayed in MameoX. Saying that I don't really have an accurate point of reference for how things actually look in CoinOps now. I'm assuming it looks basically the same, but R4 could have an interface filled with boobies for all I know, having not tried it.


The only thing I really liked about MameoX over CoinOps was the fact that all the options were there for you to edit, and the categories helped. A video section for all the video related options, a memory section for all the memory related options and so on. Last time I used CoinOps I remember seeing options all mixed up together with their category written in capitals next to them, like 'VIDEO Sync smoothing' on the hidden settings for example. I always thought that looked ugly.


I'm agree with you two lol

HISTORY.DAT, MOVES.DAT and options displayed by categories :lol:




never happening my side its clutter all features are coded just not in GUI.... and its not even on the think about mode. I looked at it and its all dos rubbish to me.


just change the catver.ini with the one from hk and rescan it will have all the same amount of cats..... about 230 of them I think :P also if you read the readme you would find selecting this stuff is alot easier on CoinOPS than hk which has a shocking interface....press Y plus up or down to skip a cat thats painfull and required in hk...also to get to sort by cat you have to scroll though types, no fast key like coinops, I dont know how a person that comments alot hasnt really looked into stuff very well. But hey any comments are good but im sorry I kind of have to take this one as unresearched (god that sounds bad..... but it is what it is)

just change the catver.ini with the one from hk and rescan it will have all the same amount of cats..... about 230 of them I think :) also if you read the readme you would find selecting this stuff is alot easier on CoinOPS than hk which has a shocking interface....press Y plus up or down to skip a cat thats painfull and required in hk...also to get to sort by cat you have to scroll though types, no fast key like coinops, I dont know how a person that comments alot hasnt really looked into stuff very well. But hey any comments are good but im sorry I kind of have to take this one as unresearched (god that sounds bad..... but it is what it is)

I'm a little confused, which post is this in response to? :P


sorry dude quote "MameoX128 Plus" with L and R used to switch between option categories, it actually fast scrolls though the list like CoinOPS, so I find it hard to trust in your knoweldge. I will try but you can check this stuff for yourself.


If catergies didnt show in CoinOPS scan the roms again after first boot this has been discussed many times as it has catagoies setup and and can actually be skiped via left/right and not by holding Y+Up or Y+down like hk build. You can also check this stuff but I have again I cant get it to work like you say sorry

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