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nebula is the best neo geo emulator, but definetely not the best CPS emu. To make nebula play neogeo games better you need 1)don't use vsync, and use triple buffering, 2)resolution at 640x480, no strech, and blitter at "scanlines", and it'll look really good. Oh, and make sure ou have plenty of memory for encrypted games


I find NeoRage the easiest to use, but you cannot play games online with it. My second favourite is Kawaks. ;)


neorage is ok, but it has a few problems, nebula is better if you have 128mbs or more of system ram(to decrypt the encrypted games)


I like Kawaks best - has more features than most of the others. Sadly new releases haven't supported more titles (kof2002 et al), but you can get loaders to enable ROMs intende for Mame to run on Kawaks


I would say Mame but thats just godly compared to these emulators so I would say Nebula only its the easiest for me to use and doesn't become a pain with low frame rates such as kawaks :/


For the most used program i chose Kawaks, Nubela is great in the program development [implementing D3D, dual-shock]

and still using NeoRAGEx to..but not much as Kawaks


alright...now i'm just getting pissed.

none of the games are working.

i have nebula and all its contents in c\nebula.

i have the negeo.zip and i put it in c\nebula\roms.

i want to play ninja combat since i LOVED that game back in the day, so i DLed it, renamed the zip to ncombat.zip like i'm supposed to, and put it in c\nebula\roms.

i configured the path to c\nebula\roms, but when i try to load the game...it doesn't work. it doesn't even find it.

what the hell am i doing wrong?

i'm having the exact same problem with kawaks.

can sumone help a brotha out?




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