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Been working out about 4 hours a day four days a week lately. Reason as to why I have been so MIA lately.

My best friend is a MMA fighter/Kick boxer so it is good to work out with him. We are both 10 plus years martial artist.


We start off with 30/20/10, which is 30 push-ups, thirty sit-ups, thirty squats, then we go to 20 then 10.


We then shadow box for about 5 minutes.


we then do three five minute rounds on the thai pads each.


then we do a variety of striking techniques using the focus mitts, kicking shield, and punching bag.


I will try to record our training sessions and show them to all of you.


I am tired of being out of shape and have decided to do something about it finally.


Anyone else working out?


Working out? Yeah, I have been working out my fingers on an arcade stick in anticipation of KOFXII


I walk about 2-3 x's a week and once a week, I'm out back with my brother doing football drills and weightlifting and kickboxing with my other brother. I bought a bellydancing video and that's really working wonders. I'm doing some Yoga here and there but it's hard to do that w/ a toddler running around. Can't really get focused with it. I also bought a DVD of the Biggest Loser Ultimate workout which I try to do at least twice a week but I haven't put it in ...gosh, almost two months.


My food intake has gown down incredibly since I've been on anti anxiety medication. I just feel like moving around more and the hunger really isn't there. It's hard for me to even have three meals. I haven't lost much but I haven't really gained much either. I'm working with my doctor to get my thyroid in order.


Every now and again I force myself to do something for 2-3 days. But then stop for 4-5 days before starting again.


I hate change.

Long walks in the heat right now is good exercise.


Yeah but the humidity kills here in FL. Feels like a 200lb person standing on your chest it's so hard to breathe.


Pfft! My job involves me walking for 8 hours straight every week day. Then inculde wearing my bunker gear on a fire call in the heat. Instant weight loss.


I was actually expecting to see footage of the Karate Kid mixed in with that vid.


you are not 80s bitchis!


I challenge you to not get motivated by this!



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