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So I was browsing old topics and someone mentioned GAMECOP POSTED A PICTURE OF HIMSELF!??! When did this happen and why was I not informed!? I was positive this would never happen. Also apparently Reaper Man is banned haha, Who else got banned? What else happened?!?!?!


Yeah, GameCop posted a picture of himself (rather, a picture of three dudes and one of them was GC - he didn't reveal which one was him).

Yeah, Reaper Man was banned long ago. He had trouble with attitude IIRC.


What else....


He actually removed it from his pic host. I swore I had it saved, but unknown...


Yea Reaperman went "bipolar" on IRC and then spammed the new girls PM calling her a "desu" cause she does look like a tarp... anyway. Whats his name... was banned too. WTF is his name...


Oh yea. JKK Dark.


reaperman posted noodies

JKK was trolling left and right

and GC posted a picture of himself from 20 years ago at the beach with his friends. Now he's grown a beard and has lost all muscles.


hmm well that seems to have thrown off my age estimation by quite a bit. I vaguely remember JKK too, wasn't that one of the members everyone was trying to figure out the gender of?


Yeah, and Fatal found a picture of him with swastika and stuff :D


oh, and GC is bald :P

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