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I spent over 4 hours today, cleaning out my music, insuring that the album art was right, finding album art for stuff that itunes couldn't find. getting tags right for stuff that was out of wack. album art is a biggie for me. if I open itunes and see a genaric box instead of the album art I get agitated.


I use to be that obsessive about roms too, keeping them all organized in correct folders with proper naming conventions. but since I don't really mess with roms any more I point my obsession towards my music. its funny cuz with movies I could care less, I just toss them all into a movie folder. with cryptic file names, sometimes I don't even know what it is I am about to watch until it starts. :D


I do that all the time with music. I have about 20 albums sitting in my music folder waiting to go into my iPod and the only reason they're not in right now is because of the hassle of organizing all of them.


It's annoying!


I'm pretty fanatical about organization. I designate specific areas on my network for all of my various content (Project Files, Music, Movies, Games, Backups and Digital Documents). I recently re-tagged my entire MP3 collection and set up a file synchronization system to keep my files consistent between my primary desktop and my laptop. I also set up backup syncs as well as a custom iTunes sync between my desktop and media center. I have over 20GBs of iTunes content and I like to keep it in both locations.


Due to the setup I have in place on my media center, I need to be particularly precise with my games. Everything is named using the proper conventions and I have box art for all of my titles. The reason for this is that I actually use GameEx as a game browser/launcher for my media center. It's very nice having access to all of the box art and being able to control everything using the media center remote. :D


Not too bothered as long as i have a backup - I do like media player to come up with the right sequence though, pictures, all that jazz.


I'm fairly fanatical, to say the least. My roms and music are mostly very neatly organized, as well as my anime , manga, documents, etc. so pretty much everything.

What aren't organized, are my DC++, BitTorrent, and regular download directories, which undergo some level of organization once I start moving stuff from there to other directories.


I don't care about games.


Music goes either way.


Movies likewise with games, usually end up being deleted over time.


I have a decent system for keeping stuff organized:


-My 320GB HDD is there just as a downloads cache, It has 3 folders in the main directory: Bittorrent Downloads, Usenet Downloads, and a Temporary Extract folder where RARs and such get extracted to automatically, This drive is shared over the network so I can immediately access things if I need to before they are organized.

-my 640GB is dedicated to the OS

-my 1TB is the organized network share, It has a Music/Games/Movies/etc folder, inside of movies I separate by SD/HD, in games I separate by system, etc.

-I haven't figured out what to do with my 120GB HDD yet, I got it for free, I was thinking about buying an enclosure and making it external.


I used to be insane about organizing my MP3s, Now I just throw em in there organized by artist/album and I don't even bother with ID3 tags anymore. I used to have around 2 and a half months worth of constant music, all hand renamed and organized, all ID3 tagged by hand, completely flawless, but I lost it all and I don't have the patience to build a collection like that again. It's kind of pointless to anyway nowadays because you can just look something up on youtube or whatever for a quick listen and if you really want the CD it only takes like a minute to download, I figure eventually it will grow in size to what it was but I'm not actively collecting like I used to.


Well at first I have a messy desktop. Then it'll hit me and I'll organize. When this happens I'll get on a kick and make sure everything is proper. As in renaming my roms so their perfect, or even renaming skins I worked on in UT editor. I never use "1" in a name now, I use "01" as it organizes badly when you get over 9. Thats for reference art and other pics I download. I like having alot of stock pics or various stuff, swords, fire, tornadoes etc.

I never use "1" in a name now, I use "01" as it organizes badly when you get over 9. Thats for reference art and other pics I download.

I've been doing that for ages with my MP3s. There was a time when I didn't (considered Winamp's automatic playlist numbering to be adequate, when in fact it really wasn't), and then it eventually hit me that I should number the individual tracks in an album.


I used to be fairly fanatic, yet laziness just took over. I too got agitated when missing covers to albums showed up or if the resolution was off and looked weird on the mp3 player screen. I just got too tired of looking up all the information, making sure the tracks were correct, and finally inserting them into the mp3 only to have them played like twice in the long run.


music-wise, I don't have to clean a damn thing


my library partition is organized as follows: genre/artist/album/file


nothing is out of place



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