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haha! I'm getting somewhere, Past the hard part I believe.


I have successfully flashed my TSOP with the latest IND-BIOS! What I did was FTP a custom config over before flashing so it would be ready right away. Then I took the splinter cell evox exploit save and replaced the BIOS files in there with my IND BIOS files. Then I launched it, Telnetted in (is that a word?) flashed the chip/restarted (with raincoat BTW) and I'm good to go! Maybe I'm just a noob but the bootup screen is pretty insane, it seems very heavily modified because the camera now swoops around the orb and the Xbox logo is completley different (I knew you could change colors but damn)


I ended up doing it that way for three reasons, first being this is what I did last time, second being I heard it's tricky to get Evox to flash the TSOP right, and third you have to find out what chip you have and I'm too lazy for all that :) Raincoat does it for me.


Now I just have to format the HDD, XBPartition will now launch with no errors, so I'll try it out. If I upload my games in ISO format I would avoid that storage problem but I guess that means I have to convert them back >_< Maybe I'll flash it to the 6/7 now that I have it figured out.


and all my stuff is now transferring back, I figured I'd just stick with the one F partition and 32K clusters, Honestly I have just about every game I'm interested in having and a ton of emus and I still had somewhere between 30-50GB left (Can't remember because it was screwing up all over the place and changing) so the bigger clusters probably won't hurt, It seems like I just barely wanted to go over the 250GB (when I get everything on there including stuff that wasn't there yet it will be like 270 or something leaving me with 20GB left, I could probably even cut back some) and I don't think it will add up to 20GB extra, if it does I guess I'll do it again, now that I have all the files and know how it is easy. Thanks again for all your help! I would have ended up trying like 5 BIOSes and doing it over and over till it worked!


Tomorrow morning my Xbox should be good as new if not better with this cool new BIOS, being able to edit that config file is neat, I can see how it would save you a lot of BIOS flashing already.


Good to hear. I'm sure you can change the boot up animations and stuff back to the default if you want. I have the X2 set to do a random flubber animation at each boot up, there's like 15 of them that you'd never see without a modded bios. I have the normal green xbox logo but took out the microsoft logo. With the IND it seems you can replace the flubber and xbox logo with completely different models. Obviously they changed the xbox logo by default.


If I uprade to a 500gb drive I'll go with a big F with 32kb clusters too. I got XBMC to calculate the size of games folder on my current F drive, It's 221gb. So if I got a 500gb drive and did the F/G split I'd still have a full F drive nearly, coz to avoid corruption at 16kb clusters your partitions have to be under 256gb. Only a few more games till I'd have the extra 35gb I'd gain on F filled, and then I'd have to start putting games on G. And I'd rather not have my games split over two drives.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, XBMC can make them both appear as one folder so you would never know the difference but still, You might not always be in XBMC, 32KB clusters should slightly increase loading time, so there's a bonus. All my stuff is still transferring (next time I think I should just put the HDD into the PC lol) but it seems to be working so far. 10900 files left to go!

Good to hear. I'm sure you can change the boot up animations and stuff back to the default if you want. I have the X2 set to do a random flubber animation at each boot up, there's like 15 of them that you'd never see without a modded bios. I have the normal green xbox logo but took out the microsoft logo. With the IND it seems you can replace the flubber and xbox logo with completely different models. Obviously they changed the xbox logo by default.

I have an X2 bios too. Could you please tell me more about how to replace the original anim ? Would be a pleasure for my ears...


First make sure you're actually using the X2 5035 or maybe the slightly older X2 5032 bios, as they're the only ones that support this. Then FTP your x2config.ini file over to your PC. It should be in the root of your E drive. If it's not then you'll need to get the default config file from the bios's .rar file. They're still on xbins. Once you have it, open up your x2config.ini using notepad or whatever, and change the values that you want. These are all the ones that pertain to the visual style of the boot up sequence, in the order they appear in a default config:


; display flubber anim

doStartupAnimation = 1


This must be set to 1 for flubber animation to happen. 0 disables.


; logo colors

colorXlip = ff000100

colorXlipHighlights = ff4b9b4b

colorInnerWalls = ff216a17

colorInnerGlow = ffcbdf01

colorXboxText = ff62ca13


Change the Xbox logo colour using RGB values.


; flubber (blob) colors

colorBlob = ff26ff3f

colorBlobGlow = 00a0ff40

colorGreenFog = 00a0ff60

colorFogGlowStart = ff00ff00

colorFogGlowEnd = 009fff66


Change the flubber colour using RGB values.


; 3 scene colors


; ambient

colorFlubberScene1 = ff35ff19

; diffuse

colorFlubberScene2 = ff35ff19

; specular

colorFlubberScene3 = ff35ff19


Not entirely sure, change the colour of something anyway.


; do random flubber

randomFlubber = 1


Set to 1 for random animation each time you boot. Set to 0 to use the value defined below.


; flubber animation number, 0 - 14

flubberAnimationNumber = 2


Choose the specific animation you want at boot. Assuming the above is 0 you'll get the same each time.


; display flubber blob in wireframe mode

flubberWireFrame = 0


Set to 1 for flubber in wireframe.


; display the TM logo

displayTmLogo = 1


Set to 0 to get rid of the TM after the word Xbox in the logo.


; define the xbox logo background color

xLogoBackgroundColor = ff000000


Change the background colour of the Xbox logo using RGB values.


; blob radius * 10

blobRadius = 23


Make the flubber bigger or smaller.


; do blob "pulse"

blobPulse = 1


Set to 0 to stop the flubber pulsing.


; do fast animation

fastAni = 0


Not tried, I suppose setting to 1 speeds things up.


; enable transparency on mslogo

msLogoTransEn = 1


Set to 0 to make MS logo solid instead of transparent.


; ms logo transparency color

msLogoTransColor = 00ff00f6


Change the colour of the MS logo transparency using RGB values. No effect if above is 0.


; no flubber machinery

noFlubBg = 0


Set to 1 to get rid of the green metal bits surrounding the flubber.


; no startup sound

noSound = 0


Set to 1 to make booting quiet.


; show ms logo

showMsEn = 1


Set to 0 to get rid of the MS logo under the word Xbox. Or possibly the Xecuter logo if you have that.


; show x logo

showXEn = 1


Set to 0 to get rid of the Xbox logo.


; do spikey blob

spikeyBlob = 0


Set to 1 to make the flubber spikey.


; slow motion blob (ugly)

slowMoBlob = 0


Set to 1 to make flubber slow. Never tried. Not sure why it's ugly.


; no x logo light

noLightEn = 0


Set to 1 to take away the light coming from the Xbox logo.


; color of x logo light

xLightColor = ff000000


Change the color of the light using RGB values.


Once you've changed the values you want, FTP the x2config.ini back over to the root of the E drive. After that reboot and you should see the changes you've made at boot.


Yeah I remember reading something like that in the IND files, the IND BIOS comes with a program that can generate a cfg file which is nice because you don't have to edit all that by hand. Maybe I should try it. I wonder how you are supposed to figure out which animation is which number without a bunch of trial and error. (I noticed mine randomly changes the bootup too, I'm not sure how many there are though)

Posted (edited)
Yeah I remember reading something like that in the IND files, the IND BIOS comes with a program that can generate a cfg file which is nice because you don't have to edit all that by hand. Maybe I should try it. I wonder how you are supposed to figure out which animation is which number without a bunch of trial and error. (I noticed mine randomly changes the bootup too, I'm not sure how many there are though)

As far as I'm aware there are 15 animations no matter what bios you use. 16 if you include random as one. They're technically part of the MS dash. The new bioses just unlock the ability to choose from them. Like you say the only way to know what each one looks like is to try them out one by one. I couldn't be bothered doing that to choose a favourite so I just set it to random. I like it being different every time.


Someone may have made a config maker for the X2 5035 bios, there's definitely one for the X3 bioses. But I don't mind editing the ini by hand. It's just changing a few numbers.


I've been thinking more and more about getting a 500gb drive. There's more games and roms I wanna try but I don't have the space. I read that the new XBPartitioner can add support for partitions over a terrabyte. The cluster size has to be set to 128kb to avoid corruption though. That's a lot of wasted space for small files.


Edit: The config maker for X2 5032 and 5035 is called X2ool.

Edited by The-Ice-Man

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