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my xbox 360 (the red one BTW) is pretty darn silent



i dont know if its all ps3's or just the older ones, but when playing i noticed that often times id get these odd lag spikes (particularly when i played MUA)


i fucking love my netflix too! and i actually know a few people who also have xbox live gold (which is actually saving me minutes on my phone by talking to people via headset)

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Xbox 360 no questions asked. I used to own a PS3 and an Xbox 360, I liked the 360 by FAR. I don't own either now and I could care less about the PS3, I just want another 360. Why?


-Better Graphics

-Developers like it better, this matters A LOT as you can imagine

-Along with the graphics the 360 versions are always better. PS3 versions are always the port.

-Always gets the extra content in games (the PS3 gets nothing pretty much)

-Better online Multiplayer

-Better/more efficient dashboard, although if you are used to the old one the new one is going to get some getting used to. I guess it doesn't look as cool but it functions better.

-Xbox Marketplace, It was once pretty shitty but it kicks ass now

-Netflix, I pirate movies so I have no use for it, but if you want to pay for movies, Netflix is the way to go. It has HD movies as well.

-All the good games on PS3 except for MGS4 are on Xbox 360, I played those PS3 exclusives like uncharted/killzone/resistance/etc. and let me tell you something straight up, They suck. People are just dying for reasons to say the PS3 is good. I hate to sound biased but I honestly was not impressed and those games definitely do not warrant the purchase of a PS3, Just like I would say Halo 3 and Gears of War do not warrant the purchase of a 360. (It's always the same damn games fanboys bring up and they all suck)

-Better controllers because the battery is removable alone. If the battery dies on 360 you can swap it out, on PS3 your screwed and you must use a USB cable. Also once the battery in your PS3 controller wears out the whole controller is fucked.

-You can mod it, A simple firmware mod allows you to steal all the games you want and last I heard play them online as well.

-The noise issue is bullshit, Do people play with the consoles next to their heads or something? I never heard any noise out of my 360 OR PS3 while playing. Yes it makes noise but it's not as bad as people make it seem. If your couch is a reasonable distance from your TV/360 it won't bother you, and mine was pretty close.

-Fits better in an entertainment center. I guess this isn't an issue anymore since I had the fat PS3 and your getting the slim which didn't exist at the time. The fat PS3 has a WEIRD shape and monopolizes a lot of space/you can't stack anything on top of it.

-More/Better/Cheaper used games/accessories. Fact. I am one cheap ass motherfucker so when I owned these two consoles I was always looking for how to save money. Maybe it has slightly improved for the PS3 but I doubt it. Everything made by Sony is always more expensive for no reason, even accessories from other companies. I bet a Sony TV that wasn't even as good as that Panasonic you bought would be tons more money. My old roommate owned one of those Sony XBR HDTVs and he paid through the nose for it. Did it look better than the LG my parents paid much less for? Yeah, but not 500 dollars worth, and he paid 800+ less than retail because of my connections. (This was like 2 years ago) So he could have paid 1300+ dollars more for a TV that looks not all that much better. (Honestly the only thing that was better was the black levels, I liked the color on the LG better, and they where both professionally calibrated, the LG looked more true to life while the Sony looked more like a TV, although it wasn't a shitty TV by any means.) OH AND I FORGOT THE BEST PART!! His Sony was a 37 inch and my parents LG is a 42 inch!

-More people seem to own the 360, Maybe this is specific to me, But a lot more of my friends own 360s, in fact the only friends I have that own a PS3 own a 360 as well. So if I wanted to play with people I actually knew the 360 would be a better choice.

-Discs are more durable. Again, your a responsible adult so this is probably a non-issue, but blu-ray discs get ruined way easier than DVDs. Disc rot is pretty common in PS3 games as well from what I hear. It happened only once to me and my roommate but we traded it in while the game still barely worked before it got bad, I wish I could remember what game it was. It was some game only my roommate played. There isn't really anything you can do about disc rot.

-Better support for AVI files/other video files burned to disc, many that would not play in the PS3 played in the 360, although there where some that neither could play.


Seriously, Look at these games, None of these games are that good except MGS4, and the bottom line is for a gaming console it's all about the games. A lot of them are shitty knockoff games like Infamous too.




Here are the 360 exclusives for comparison. It's not like they are all good, In fact most of them are garbage too, but there is at least more than 1 (or 3, or 4, depending on how much of a PS3 fanboy you are)




See nowadays most of the good games are on both, so you might as well get the 360 so you can get the better version. The way I see it the only thing PS3 has over the 360 is the web browser and linux support. (Blu-Ray is doomed, it won't last as long as DVD, Digital Distribution will take over, plus like I said I steal all my movies anyway/Netflix has some HD movies) If you have a computer both are useless. The linux support in the PS3 isn't that great though because certain parts of the console (like 3D acceleration) are locked out. I remember it was a pain to play a game once you had linux on it too, maybe this is different now though. You had to go through some annoying process to exit linux and launch the game if I remember right. Oh and I think you could transfer saves with a USB stick as well which was pretty cool. I don't think you could actually save and load off of it just transfer from USB stick to HDD or memory card. I might be confusing this with something I was doing for Linux though.

-The noise issue is bullshit, Do people play with the consoles next to their heads or something? I never heard any noise out of my 360 OR PS3 while playing. Yes it makes noise but it's not as bad as people make it seem. If your couch is a reasonable distance from your TV/360 it won't bother you, and mine was pretty close.


Actually, I have to admit that the noise bothers me a lot. I've actually gone out of my way to build both my media center and desktop as practically silent systems. The 360 is louder than both computers and in a somewhat small room, it is very noticeable. Unfortunately all manufacturers are prone to using cheap and small fans.


Yeah, I read about tis a few days ago, and that's just plain stupid. This should have been done before the game was released. Oh so now that consoles have Internet connection and all kinds of hoo-hah it's ok to start putting out inferior products and then just release patches like they've done for ages in the PC front?


As a last-generation console gamer, seeing stuff like this is inexcusable.

Either there is something wrong with your 360 (I had a loud one and the disc drive blew up) or you spent a shit ton of money on fans/etc. to get your PC that quiet. My video card alone is louder than a 360. Although it is definitely the loudest thing in my computer.


I admit I spent quite a bit on cooling for both systems. I went with Zalman's top the line CPU coolers on both, used only 120mm case fans on the lowest setting and went with graphics cards that used a low-noise Zalman GPU cooler.


Killzone 2 is the only reason I want a Ps3 I want it to kick me in the balls as hard as it can.


My computer should be near silent when the video card is low but I can't be bothered to replace the noisy case fans that came with the case. They already work so meh. It is much quieter than my last PC. The video card rarely goes up real high, plus I dunno I usually play with the volume louder than the fans so I don't hear it either way. It doesn't have to be very loud to be louder than the fans. I say the same thing for the 360.


Agozer: That is true, It happens all the time on both platforms. They release a buggy unfinished game and then patch it later. Very annoying. They are even doing it on PC now. (hell some games still aren't completely fixed) I also hate how you have to jump through hoops to get demos now sometimes (which they call Betas so you feel all special) and what should be regular game patches are referred to as downloadable content (some of it should be called DLC, but a lot of it should just come in a patch).


noisy consoles don't bother me. hell the dreamcast sounded like a jet engine compared to the 360. I've got 'rock n' roll' ear anyways, I can't hear low stuff anymore.

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