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There is a PC leak finally but I heard its buggy and it is NOT a scene release. Some kind of problem with saving and gliding whatever that means. There are alternative cracks but while they fix those issues they seem to introduce others. Still waiting....


^ Hmm - even if it did leak I cant get no one to download the fucker for me. I'm actually paying cash for this one. This and call of duty 2 modern warfare - that's all the games industry is getting from me this year.


Yeah I was thinking of picking up MW2 for the Multiplayer. It looks like Counter-Strike meets Michael Bay.


What is going on this holiday season? It seems like they aren't hyping much at all. I'm not even sure what's coming out besides a few games.


All I can think of fore the PC this year is the above we mentioned everything else seems to be specific to genre prefrence.

Splinter cell, bioshock 2 (not turned on at all) and Resi 5 port on PC but after resi 4 - I just get pissed off nothing will ever better that game and the day it does I will be a very happy man.


What else? Postal 3 is coming not sure if it's this year though. And what the hell happened to half life 2 episode 3? Nothing!!!

next year we have ALIENS colonial marines which just makes me wet my pants with glee. Pretty much the same way S.T.A.L.K.E.R did when I was following that.


What the hell is coming to PC this year that I have missed?????


The PC release had bugs but there's been a crackfix that fixes the save, glide, glide kick etc.


are you sure you are not referring to the fix I was talking about that introduces other problems? I guess it's impossible to say because it's not scene so it's probably not labeled right.


Left4Dead 2 is coming out, I know about that and I'll probably pick it up. There is this racing game that looks kind of cool called Blur which looks like it might be even crazier than Burnout. (find some videos the pics don't really explain enough if your interested) -EDIT: I was thinking of Split Second which comes out later, Blur looks cool too though- Assassin's Creed 2 looks good. I've personally been looking foward to the new Red Faction but it has been out on consoles for awhile now.


Everything else seems like it either got pushed back into 2010 or is TBA :/


i thought we are talking about Batman here? :P


Just play it on X360 today. Very awesome, Batman is sooooo well-done, Joker is superb, and I am now having a tough time trying to get Riddler's riddles...;)

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