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Wolverine x2 can beat all of them...with his cheap masive damage supers and normal moves....even his launcher is not blockable in the air (maybe the cheapest char i have ever seem)


other than that all you have to do is look at a pattern that keeps repeating...




evil ken (one major thing he likes to do is slow fireball follow by a (CvS super jump) into a diveing kick) just counter that and he is easyly beat.... :P

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Hey FallenChronoXDo u actually know the guys i mentioned Wolverine x2's ai isn't hard even with high damage. He'd be lucky to land a punch on Master Geese an i doubt he'd last more than 20 secs Master Geese ai is too much i bet he could take two wolverine's at the same time.Also Perfect Storm x he'll take em all on. Well when it comes to cheapness Dark Athena 2nd tops em all.i Agree though Ken is hard an u can only beat him by resulting to cheap tactics an a lot of luck mate.


are you talking about Ai?


if so i seem Krizalid take out both evil ryu,evil ken,orge,broily, or 2 of each at the same time.....

if you wanna test put him agaist master geesse, Geese will not win.......


AI, Krizalid's ai beats all........ im still haveing problems with him while i have already found out all other mugen chars patterm:D



I'd highly doubt that.

Inform me, who is the creator so I can test this for myself.


hmmmm a Krizalid zat could take out Master Geese this i gotta see. Any chance we could make a trade. I have plenty of rare characters including shinksura, (OrochiChris and a OrochiIori (kof) zat can take out evilken an evilryu easily), dt, mit, clive, orochik, evilk


My msn is hamilton_586@hotmail.com


Also btw can this Krizalid take aragon (cheap ass ogre edit)

Some other powerful characters zat might Perfect Storm X


Tom Hanks, nuff said. 3 Button 100+ hit combo.

Tom hanks doesn't count he can't be killed an he has no ai. Anyone could create a cheap chararcter like that.nuff said

I sincerely hope you are not insulting Shinryoga.

I have great respect for Shinryoga, especially his Mario.


I never intended to insult shinryoga i agree mario was an incredible creation.What i meant was u could just create a character with no hit boxes,high damage,unlimited combos via 1 basic move,high HP etc. An that would already give him an edge.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ogre has incredible AI that makes him very hard to beat. Master Geese is over powered and almost counters every move you throw at him. Evil Ken and Evil Ryu made by KingTigre are incredible characters with awesome AI and some unique moves.


Brolly isn't cheap. He's slow in compairison to the 4 guys I named above. <_<

Ogre has incredible AI that makes him very hard to beat. Master Geese is over powered and almost counters every move you throw at him. Evil Ken and Evil Ryu made by KingTigre are incredible characters with awesome AI and some unique moves.


Brolly isn't cheap. He's slow in compairison to the 4 guys I named above. :(

Ogre.....don't even talk about Ogre, I mean that.

Master Geese is a good challenge, not over-powered.

Evil Ken and Ryu are a simple matter of predicting moves.

It depends on which Broli you have that makes the difference in difficulty.

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