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What is the difference between Showcase and R3? Im getting a new 52 inch LCD and I wanna get the latest versions of Ignite. Do you PM Britneys Pairs for the download once R4 comes out??

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goto first post in this thread it will show you what was added in R3 and R4 only a few games.... ill be releasing a showcase patch in the next while with a few 100 more games and updated drivers


was shocked to find that outrunners actually runs reasonably well, just a few graphical glitches. I take it its another case of updating would slow it beyond playability though? :lol:


i remember bishi bashi its a good laugh.

had a go of charlie ninja last night the humour in that game is hilarious especially the boss on level3,basically a reject from the village people hilarious.


a question for BP.

is it possible to change the way the scrolling of games works to a way like in nes6502 way ? ie when fast scrolling it doesnt show the screens, but is blank and scrolling is faster, the way it is now is slow having to display each screen shot before moving on to the next, also when I get to a game with no screen shot when scrolling through the list, the hard disk grinds more, why is this ? just wondering. ;)


Love that you keep adding more games each release, especially the shmups. ;)

Evolution Soccer?




special moves improve sports games no end ;)


What other games are on that hardware? And what did I say about them?


sorry iq, i didn't check first ;) , i must seem like 'that annoying little kid' everyone knows :lol:


I've tested now though, and both evolution soccer and crystal kings work well enough (35ish fps in game in 720p with sound enabled) on my trusty-xbox. Its the only one I have so I can't test performance for 733mhz 64mb :wacko: but it can't be that far behind? (since nothing else seems that far ahead on this xbox ;) )

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