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I'll be playing guitar and singing and if things go well I will be earning money on a weekend sometime soon.

I have a feeling tonight will be harsh - A lot of my freinds are coming in to see me I dont actually feel nervous at the moment.


Ill be playing some cash - Donovan - Bobby D and hopefully a buddy holly song and ill finish on "dammit" acoustic version.

The only trouble is I dont have any boom stands for the mikes which could prove difficult i have the mic's but nothing else and my guitar does not have an inbuilt mic piece of junk...


Also becasue I have no songs committed to memory I will be reading from sheet I dont actually know that many songs off by heart if Im honest but doing this may motivate me further in the future to get better. It should be a laugh and I will do my best to be infectious!

Who knows I might make something out of it and end up touring a little here and there - my dream of a cash tribute band could be come real in the not too distant future.

God bless all.


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that's awesome. good luck buddy!


That's awesome :D


Just have fun doing it!


It went well guys - but me and my buddy went back to a party. It turned violent I did not do anything!

I headbutted this guy who came screaming at me! My friend was still in the house then some asshole came round the front - thats the guy I made mince meat off. I sware we did not do anything other than turn up then some silly whore started flapping her arms.


I swear to you guys - the guys who were there just got there "bug" on.


I bashed the dude who came at me (romper stomper silly arse with shaved head thinking he was uber) i slapped him in the nose with a headbutt upped his chin and rammed a nose butt home for the win - these guys wanted more.


Please guys learn how to kick a lot of ass. Evil really is just around the corner.


Ahhh..that's what that other post was about :D



I know what you mean. I had an event recently that needed physical contact.

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