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Im serious.

Learn to deal death in one punch.

Dont let them get you when they are coming.




Erm...did I miss something? :D


Ah fuck dudes I just woke up - i just done a gig - my and my buddy went back to this guys house we know.

Bunch of guys there, but this place we went back to is where we go quite a lot - these guys were high as fuck coke or Phet... whatever they take, anyway for NO REASON These guys start playing up with me not my freind who is 6ft just me.


Anyways I try to tell pete im going becasue these guys are getting really aggressive, but he is "happy" not a wanker or whatever - and i had my fucking guitar with me from the gig, so I set off.


Some whore tried starting a fire winding the guys up horribile bitch is there any need for violence? I dont think there is.

Anyway some PRICK thought he was hard as nails - at that moment in time i knew i was fucked so i tried to leave, pete was blissfuly unaware of the smackdown that was approaching. So i leave I tell pete we are going - but he wont budge he was happy. (pissed did not know)


Im outside waiting for my freind to come out - when a bald headed skin headed cunt jumps over the back fence to "sort me out" he comes at me like im some soggy waffle - but guess what? SUPPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!!! I nutted him in the face grabbed him by the throat nutted him again and slammed one home for teh win!!!!! I remember his face it looked like this "Oh noes i was hard but realise now that the guy im picking on actually knows how to fight!! im such a pussys right now!"


Thats right guys I fought the good fight last night - anyway im walking off after kicking this guys ass (i could of beat him down but know when to stop) when he STILL mouths at me (i think proof he was on drugs) so i got round the corner after picking my guitar up and legged it, i tried to tell my mate but he was too pissed so i ran to my mothers house (lol) im there running through the street with a guitar at 1 in the morning like bolt!!


I get to my mothers and knock her out of bed - ring pete - the smelly bastards picked on him one of them nutted him BUT LIKE ALL PUSSYS there was THREE on one - so pete ended up legging it too.


Im going back for more - when there drugs ware off ill be there, what if i pussied out they would of kicked the LIVING shit out of me! Im not having it someone needs to stomp them down, and im gonna find those fuckers and teach them a lesson.


Dont bully decent people becasue you are an insecure asshole! Im not having it guys. Id do the same for you!!!!!!!!

We will find them becasue they thought we were just some guys showing up! little do they know... i hope they wake up this morning and go "Oh no! im not high anymore! somebody help me before i wet me kegs!"


God bless guys and PLEASE STICK TOGETHER and learn to be violent!! be the good guy who can turn bad - i dont wanna see any posts on this forum about how a bunch of guys kicked my ass. EVER.


Stay safe, use your head, and fight the good fight.

Love and respect,


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