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I'm almost done watching Babylon 5, so I need a new scifi series to watch. I already watched Deep Space 9, a lot of Next Generation (but I'm thinking about watching that because there are still a lot of episodes I have not seen) and Serenity/Firefly. I was also thinking of watching Stargate SG-1, the old stargate movie was cool at least. Battlestar Galactica looks awesome but my scifi nut friends insist it isn't as good as everyone says it is, they keep telling me that I'll just get bored with it eventually and lose interest. I've seen most of The Twilight Zone but that is always fun to watch even if you have already seen it. I've seen random episodes of Dr. Who but I never tried to watch all of it. It seems like that would at least keep me busy for quite awhile if I decide to watch that.


Any sci fi fans on here want to give me some advice? I pretty much didn't watch any sci-fi when it was on TV because I thought it would be stupid. I probably got this impression from watching a lot of Voyager because it was on at a convenient time. Now I can't stop watching it. At least now I don't have to wait a week between episodes :D

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Well SG is a good start. Keep in mind, the first 3 seasons are kinda... boring. They build up the story just fine though. Peter Deluise directed 57 episodes and wrote alot of episodes too.


You know.... 21 jump street fame

21js.jpgWell not that I watched it... and also, it might be a bit before your time. Look at how young Depp is!


Anyway, the show really picks up after season 3, but I dont recommend skipping any episodes. Shit gets really interesting and knowing all the back story makes it all the more compelling. There are 10 freaking seasons!!! Well anyway... If you end up getting sucked in, there is always Atlantis to watch after that. Then you could get into this new SG Universe thats out.


Keep in mind I have not caught all the SG episodes, and only perhaps... 15 Atlantis episodes... and none of this new Universe.


Anyway... speaking of Peter Deluise


You can watch some Sea Quest


The show... is a laugh. I'm watching these every once in awhile... just because im in your boat. Watchin Sci Fi stuff. Maaaaan there are some lame ass episodes of that shit. But also some pretty good ones too. But... mostly subpar. It has dude from Jaws and that kid from the Never Ending Story, you know, the kid that was in Side Kicks... with Chuck Norris.


And I will never watch Battle Star Galactica. That show does indeed look lame. LOL Id rather watch Sea Quest.


So yea, go ahead and watch SG. Give it a gooooood chance... as it tends to drag. Once season 3 or 4 hits you can tell they ramped up the show, and they did it right. The character interaction is perfect throught. Oneil is by far the coolest. (McGyver) but in the late episodes he dips, and a couple of cats from Farscape get brought in. They're perfect additions. Both are awesome! And as far as Atlantis goes, they had the mechanic chick from Firefly as a medic in later episodes, and the Doctor from Voyager as the head cheese of Atlantis also in those later episodes.


The sheer magnitude of story behind everything in the SG series is enough to need to watch it... in terms of your situation. Plenty to dive into.


Dr. Who and Torchwood. Waaahhhhtchah.


The above mentioned, Farscape, and Lexx. Lexx is an awesome underdog. Not to everyone's tastes, but I believe up there with the best orginal sci fi. What you should try and do sometime is watch all the Star Trek series and movies in chronological order. Which is harder than you think seen as The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager and the later movies all overlap. It can be done though. Ask if you wanna know the order. You basically have to watch some of the seasons concurrently, alternating episodes like they said you had to with series 1 of Angel and whatever season of Buffy was on at the same time. Don't touch either of those shit fests though, not even if you actually like vampires.


Well, Stargate Universe just started airing. Three episodes in and I dunno if you've watched the previous series', they're good and all, but they're a bit hoaky compared to SGU. It seems like they're going for more of a dramatic, serious undertone in this series and with Robert Carlyle as a lead its looking pretty good so far.

and also, it might be a bit before your time. Look at how young Depp is!


lol how old do you guys think I am?


Anyway thanks for the recommendations. My friends and I now get to continue our saga of smoking out and watching sci-fi all night. It's driving the woman crazy! She was starting to get into DS9 while we where watching that but she cannot stand Babylon 5 :) probably because she has no idea whats going on because you have to watch almost every episode and the characters act like robots most of the time.

Quantum Leap

My friend swears by that show. He never misses the opportunity to dote on it. Good premice, good show.


SG1 is good until the fourth season or so. Then it gradually goes downhill.

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaat!! Once the forth season hit they finally started making decent side episodes. To hell with every episode having a direct correlation to the main story. How about that episode where they sent the malp to wherever and it was some kinda tech planet and Carter ended up possessed by a sentient program?


Aaaany way, you can see many definite changes in the "flow" of SG throughout the 10 years.

and also, it might be a bit before your time. Look at how young Depp is!


lol how old do you guys think I am?

Um... 24

SG1 is good until the fourth season or so. Then it gradually goes downhill.

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaat!! Once the forth season hit they finally started making decent side episodes. To hell with every episode having a direct correlation to the main story. How about that episode where they sent the malp to wherever and it was some kinda tech planet and Carter ended up possessed by a sentient program?

I said gradually. Not that every subsequent ep sucks. I did start to notice more fillers though.


I would say watch SG1 up until the end of season 8. After that Richard Dean Anderson left which sucks very much. The end of season 8 pretty much tied everything up nicely, so it's a good point to stop. Seasons 9 and 10 introduced a new lot of aliens, Ben Browder and Claudia Black from Farscape as new main characters, and Beau Bridges as the new commander. If you do go for season 9 and 10 you'll need to watch the straight to dvd movie Stargate: The Ark of Truth, as that raps up the story arc that begins in season 9. If you stop at season 8 you'll still wanna watch the second straight to dvd movie, Stargate: Continuum, as that wraps up everything from the first 8 seasons once and for all.

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