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I wouldn't know, I stopped watching at season 8. :)


It was the same for the X-Files. There was a season where at the end it wrapped up pretty much everything that had happened since the begining. Then they started a whole new bunch of stuff in the next one, then Mulder left and it was shit. Sometimes they carry things on when they should have stopped.


X-Files is awesome, I've seen most of that as well. Me and my friend once considered what would happen if the Native American guy from X-Files met the Native American from Curb Your Enthusiasm (Wandering Bear?) and decided the world would explode.


There is this episode that I cannot find anywhere, but I remember most of it. A friend of mine says he remembers it too. I remember there was some kind of deadly fungus and at one point it burst through someones chest. They where staying in some cabin in the middle of the woods. I think there was even some shit going on that had to do with the loch ness monster but I think that might have been a different episode. Anyway it was NOT ICE, I know there is some kind of parasite worm that bursts from a guys chest in that episode but we both watched it and agreed this was not the episode, it didn't look the same, there was no fungus, and there was no cabin. We both remember at one point they where running around, possibly from something, in the woods. They where pretty much in that bunker thing for the whole episode in Ice. It wasn't that episode with the little green bugs from a tree either. Are we just on crack? It had to be an episode that was at some point on TV because that is where we both remember seeing it. (Not some cut episode from a DVD or something) There is no way we could have just pulled this out of our asses, we both admitted to being pretty freaked out about mushrooms for a few days after seeing the episode. The thing that burst from the guys chest even sort of looking like a mushroom.


If I ever find it again, it would be awesome to watch, we would probably both be embarrassed as hell that this show freaked us out haha.


Sounds like you have a few episodes mixed up there.


Look! Another person who remembers it though! That's at least 3 people so far (it could be 4, I forget what the other guy in the room said lol) How can so many people be imagining an episode that doesn't exist!? Very X-Files...

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