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Posted (edited)

weel like say in the topic title i have an old problem with my pcsxbox v2.0 an Castlevania SOTN.

the problem is that when you start the game a you pass to the cinema of the castle dracula there are no sound is put mute when the cinema end's an you start to play with richter the sounds come back to normal. i dont now what's can be i dowload and replace tree times the game and always the same no sound in this part, i check the config files a all options on the emulators an nothing happened, ther are some files on TDATA and UDATA for the emulator can i delete to reinstall or do somting? because i am sure the problem is some bad configuration on the emulator.

if any one can help I will be very gratefull.

Edited by alucard1282

the best advice i can give you is use a bin/cue file image of castlevania as i had a problem with sound on this game but when i changed the game to a bin/cue file,i never had a problem after that.


I don't bother with pcsxbox anymore, but when I first tried it that was the only game I was interested in. I had the exact same problem, and I was using bin/cue. You'll know the problem isn't your cd image if you play it in epsxe on your PC. It'll work fine there. The problem is either the version of pcsxbox, try a newer one if there is one, or it's the settings. Or, pcsxbox just can't play SOTN's fmvs with sound for some reason.

Posted (edited)

thanks a lot fumanchu and The-Ice-Man for the reply.

but yes i am using a .bin .cue image in the emulator, because if i remember the pcsxbox only accept this type of images files i am not 100% sure but i think i read someting about time ago. well an yes i am using others versions of emulator i make downgrades v1.8 a upgrades v1.9 and the last v2.0 for testing the game and nothing yust the same no sound.

so i think is some configuration file on the TDATA and UDATA but not sure what folder inside can be used for the emulator.

i delete the save folders for the pcsxbox an reinstall, but i not touch nothing inside of this two(TDATA and UDATA) folders.

One curious thing is i have a resident evil 2 .bin .cue image an sound is 100% in the cinemas an when you are playing.

Edited by alucard1282

i would suggest trying pcsxbox v13 as this version seems to be recommended on a few different forums.


The problem's got nothing to do with your savegame data, pcsxbox creates a savegame file but it doesn't store game configs there, (or anything much as far as I know) so don't do poking around in the TDATA and UDATA folders. I believe it's a bug with the emulator itself. I haven't completed SOTN so I wonder if the ending fmv has sound under pcsxbox or not. You'd have to play right through the game to find out.


Pcsxbox is almost as bad as Surreal64. Such a hassle to get games to play.


The sound in the fmv ending of SotN is just some Gregorian chant. Honestly nothing special, and the cinema was even excluded in the XBLA rendition.

Posted (edited)

Yes i remember the savegames folder is where the emulator store srceenshots an memorycard files and other stuff i dont remeber now, but i try to delete because i wanted to clean all the files have relation with the pcsxbox. i dont now why the sound stop to work with castlevania game, the emulator time ago runs perfectly with this game. well i'm going try to investigate more thoroughly about the TDATA and UDATA folders and make some test. they metion this folders in the readme.txt

there are some one have running this game without my problem currently?

Edited by alucard1282

Last time I checked, pcsxbox was just like all the other xport emulators. By default it stores all it's configuration data (including screenshots, savestates etc) in subfolders under E:\SAVES, which is nothing to do with the TDATA and UDATA folders, which are the xbox's actual savegame folders. You can try deleting the E:\SAVES folder, the program will just create it again. Probably won't do anything to fix the problem though. If you have the game working with smooth gameplay and sound ingame, then I'd just play it. Last time I tried I almost had it working right, but the sound was still choppy in places and the framerate would sometimes drop. If you have the game working without that then I'd count your blessings.


dont delete the whole saves folder in your E drive,you will lose all configurations for all games that run on all xport emulators.

just go into the saves folder in your E drive and go to the pcsxbox folder.thre you can delete the castlvania symphony of the night gamesave.

i still say you should try pcsxbox 13.


I've posted elsewhere about my sound problem with Castlevania SOTN, but to make the sound/music much better I disabled all

the filters. Stopped glitching as much after that.

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