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you guys freaking know what the whole problem was this whole time. Freaking idiot!!


Do you want to lock the hard drive (Y/N) ? = YES

Wrong you need to type = Y not YES

Freaking drive is locked up now.


I'm connected FTP to the box as we speak!! Yeah I fingered or figured it out!!!


So now when I boot up my xbox it takes me to the evoX screen

What should my next step be? (((hands are shaking)))




Wow. That's all I can say. Start installing things now.


Looks like your new hard drive doesn't have the Microsoft dashboard on it yet. The people with softmods will be able to help you better, but I'd say if you can get a cd to boot, run Slayer's Install Disc and install the Microsoft dash. That might stop that message.


It has features that are for modchips, like the flash bios and locking/unlocking feature, but the software installer is for anything. It contains the MS dash, and your error message is related to the the MS Dash, so installing the MS Dash from the Slayer disc may help. Can you boot discs? More to the point, CD-Rs?


So you do have the MS Dash on there. Wonder why it couldn't find xboxdash.xbe then. Those letters are your partitions. They're meant to be there. C is for the MS Dash. E is for savegames. F is for you to do what ever you want with. X, Y and Z are the cache, they get used by games when you run them. I don't know why you have a H drive. That could be something to do with your softmod for all I know. Forget what I said about booting a disc, you won't be able to without a modchip. Someone with a softmod come help please.

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