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Maybe it's a knee jerk reaction to the kind words spoken about Kenshiro. A lot of attention and thanks came from the announcement that Kenshiro no longer wants or enjoys the coding. People had kind words to say because of the man was willing to go out of his way for people. Always had time and tollerance for others requests. Now whats happening is people are pandering to a call for attention. This will obviously have an effect as there will be 2 sides now, those that wish to stroke his forehead and tell him its all going to be ok and those who say "who gives a f***". I very much doubt one person is to blame, do you ? Also consider this, in reallity CoinOps (aka Mameox) had gone as far as it was going to hadn't it. The core is old. It was scraping the bottom of the barrel for more playable roms as it was. Later editions added rom's that didn't even work properly. However in truth the sources are out there (although not the latest). Get the feeling the latest sources won't be appearing anywhere soon, which isn't in keeping with the whole Mame ethos. Perhaps a "new user" will come on the scene who happens to have the sources. lol.


I wasn't even gonna give this thread the effort of my time typing. Just make sure your all not being manoevered into position mentally. On the upside, the work that has been done by BP, IQ_132 and others is a real treat for the Xbox console and the showcase put the lid on it (like ya didn't see it coming).


Wow I sure came in at the end of something great. At lease I was here to for when showcase was released....love it and so thankful

I don't understand why he is leaving? he has an argument with 1 person then he decides to leave and turn his back on all the people who have praised and enjoying his work? I don't get it....

Me too

I´m coming here after a few days and CoinOps is cancelled :bye1:


Thanks BP for all your work on CoinOps. Maybe you (or another1 :lol: ) comes back with a new version. Maybe CO integrated in XBMC?

My Hope never dies. Good Luck


Hey BP, I want to thank you for CoinOps, and all 3 of my kids just love it, and thank you as well. I cant wait to make an arcade cabinet and I'm going to use CoinOps ShowCase as the heart of it.


http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P4AE3PQL Thanks to iq (as he requested these)


I rolled back my build to R3 build and have given you guys the sources (just overwrite the old sources and this will update it to R3)




I might as well state the obvious now.... I have moved not due to lack of great guys here but a few very vocal people not being slowed down and stopped its making my job of developing very very difficult, my work here is alot more painfull than it needs to be, I left xbox scene for the same reason really. I nearly did it before with RX as some old schoolers would know. I did warn people on the threads time and time again that I was growing tired of this stuff and it should go onto other threads. No one vocalised that they should leave it alone in fact they supported it. I know the stats of downloads and even threads and users and ive tried to tell others in a nice way that if they cannot ignor the stats but they do and tell me I need to change. So ill leave you with these people I have been told this will not happen where im going (once or twice with questions even ones I dont like is all good but constant harrasment supported by others is what makes me move)


R4 was stopped 100percent by 3 people (cba, neil222 and ice) it has been ready for weeks maybe even a month and progressing along nicely and as it should


****I am sorry for this guys but in the end its all good to get support and thanks and its wrong to let the few cause such issues for the many but maybe you guys should speak out, ive moved before I am here to move along and not so much for the full support ive told people from day one I have a vision and I cant move from it to much*****


Also I thank this site for years it has supported me very well and its actually been the best site ive seen, ive never asked for to many favours banning or removing threads or any of that stuff. Ill log on here alot for sure just not to deveop as it isnt dev friendly and its best done in another forum id say...ill at least give that a go.


The sources are up anyone can run with these and rock the world...you never know it maybe a new way forward



Posted (edited)
R4 was stopped 100percent by 3 people (cba, neil222 and ice) it has been ready for weeks maybe even a month and progressing along nicely and as it should


Before leave to my job, i just wanna post my opinion here, even if it means shit. I'm really sick of all i read on 1emulation and Xbox scene this latest days. 90% of subjects are related to CoinOps, or at least massive flamming and insane shit.


Cbagy, Iceman and Neil are really good guys, even if they get me a bit tired recently, due to that massive flamming on forums. What i thinking actually is the following things:


- I can't believe you stop working on CoinOps because of those three guys, if it's the case that's one of the dumbest thing i never saw. You're still free to work on your side, use the option "ignore users" in your control panel (as a guy suggest it on the Xbox scene forums). Whatever what they can say no?


- Neil, Cbagy and Iceman are some quiet people. For what reasons they're now craping in your shoes? Well, have a quick view of what do you said recently BP, here and on Xbox scene, about them, and you'll probably understand. I will not even say 25% of what do you said to my worst enemy. I don't know if you realize it but i really get chocked and unfortunaly i'm not alone, some others devs and users noticed it.


To conclude, a slap on the butt for everyone :bye1: If someone doesn't like my opinion or what i said, feel free to PM me, then we'll have a blow up doll party to get relax. Moo.


Edit: wow just noticed the thread is closed now. Pretty cool, no one will repply anymore to give their opinions.

Edited by - kenshiro -

there you go..... half of the new stuff is thanks to iq he can patch most and alot more into the source no worries.


I dont want to use those features.... its not my responsibility really I just want to dev, I do alot more than CoinOPS I know you guys dont really know that. Ill release more stuff one day for sure right now the code is the messiest its ever been....in fact a compete shambles but its going in a new direction.

I gave myself and everyone the chance of open communication and yes I do know alot more about stuff than people give me credit for and I dont tell anyone what happened last summer, its really time to go forward for me. Maybe I can work with iq some more to add some big games at some point....hes the man


take care


Ok, lets have a little bit of honesty here BP. You accuse me of constant harassment. This isn't quite true. I've never sent you a pm. Ever. You know that. What little I've said to you is visible on this forum, and in the last couple of days over at xbox-scene. In the short time I've been here, I've given you a handful of suggestions about CoinOps, which you responded to in your usual way, being impolite to me from the very start. I only used CoinOps very briefly before trying FBA. After which I stopped using CoinOps, so I didn't really have much to say about its development. I would however read the threads to see what was going on, and post some comments on what I thought would make it better. Over time, you grew to hate me for this, and I grew more and more to dislike your attitude towards people, as I read your less than pleasant responses to those who posted in your threads.


One day, September 3rd to be exact, I made a derogatory post about you over at Status-X, which you saw despite not being a member there. You didn't like what I said, but a lot of people agreed with it. In hindsight, I regret what I said there, and not just because someone tattle-taled on me to you, but because I was quite harsh in what I said. But the lines were drawn then, and you responded over here quite negatively indeed. Most of the things said then were deleted from this forum by mods. Since then, I hadn't posted anything in any of the CoinOps threads, bar one or two minor posts, as I didn't want to spur off another argument in some way. So from then, till now, you've heard next to nothing from me. That is not constant harassment. So how I've slowed down your development I don't know.


This week, October 26th to be exact, I didn't like the attitude you were giving Gilou and Cbagy regarding skins for CoinOps, so I posted my opinion about it, and you're attitude. You didn't like it, so you closed the thread, and we all know where it went from there. This makes a total of two altercations between us, with next to no contact in between. So again, you cannot call this constant harassment.


On October 20th, seven days before this, you stated over at Xbox-scene that you were leaving to continue your work at a different site. This is a week before the 'flames' of the last few days. It doesn't take a genius to deduct that it's very likely you were already planning on 'leaving' here too. Trying to blame me or anyone else for your decision is a weak attempt at scapegoatism.


I’m saying no more on this issue, or any issue regarding CoinOps, or yourself. I hope you’ll show the maturity of your actual age by not responding to this with more sarcasm and insults. Like Kenshiro, I have now had enough.


I honestly wish you all the best in your new endeavour at this other site. Hopefully it will be somewhere where everyone gets along with you and you can work together with members on your new project.


like sands through the hour glass..... these are the days of our lives.


I swear the xbox homebrew scene has more drama queens then a season of MTV reality shows.

wipe your vaginas and get on with your selves.

wipe your vaginas and get on with your selves.


lol. Class. lol.


wipe your vaginas and get on with your selves :bye1: I should spend more time on my vigina actually it needs some TLC. All good guys everyones had there say really. If you really think R4 wasnt released cause of you guys then you really are silly.... I have read your posts time and time again...ugly...to many threads....to many releases..... it doesnt work right..... it cant be skinned....im aragont for not adding all your stuff....I dont release sources.....I dont work well with others..........to many new polls even though it was hint of things to come and most things in the poll go in, it just helped me order what I did and when.... ive heard it not once not twice ............... but foreverrrrrrrr and thats along time, oh and also posted elsewhere time and time again other mames are better I truely cant win and dont have to really.


Plus I know alot of what happened behind the scenes and you call me aragant. You my friend need to look in a mirror


But all of this is silly really we should just get on with things


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