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One of my friends convinced me to install this game, and now I'm very glad I did. I've had the chance to play a bit of single player and multiplayer, and they're both fun and equally challenging. Multiplayer might be a bit easier if the game stopped boning me on sniper rifles, though... :P


But yeah. Great game. Mordecai kicks massive amounts of ass. I mean, shooting an Alpha Skag, causing him burst into flame, then shooting him again in the open mouth as he lunges at your face and watching his head turn into bloody chunks is a beautiful thing.

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After u max level it goes down hill form there...

Sure i could make another char but.... I really ONLY like the hunter im kinda at a dead enf or me....


Dude, I played borderlands, and it kicked ass. I am level 47 already, and i think we've had it for about 2 weeks. Granted we play here and there, but shit, I like the leveling up, and the huge range of weapons. Now, what I have noticed, is that when you're a lower level, and you go up to this one area, and kill all the guys out there when you first get the car. You go up into this ramp, through two building, and in the second one there is a gun chest. If you go up there, collect your "loot", exit the game, and do it again, you can keep getting weapons that are like level 25 when you're level 15. They sell for an ass load. This works all throughout the game, too. If you get a chest, exit, and come back, you can get more and more loot.

Oh, and I totally choose Mordecai over the other characters. He's got this badass bird that you can make fly around while on fire, and it catches everyone on fire.

I also really liked the "second wind" aspect. Granted, playing single player makes it a little harder, but the multiplayer is definitely the way to go. Although, when you play mulitplayer online, the people I have played with only seem interested in fighting against each other. Which really sucks. So despite the online multiplayer is only flawed by it's players, I really, really like this game, and recommend it to anyone whose up for a good RPS.


I'm getting a few graphical glitches her and there like mini tearing or my sights "jumping" now and then.

I'm up to this bit were i have to bait a skag out and just shot a load dudes in cars.

I want to review this game when I can.


I lold though when I got this really good vantage point with a sniper rifle - the enemies just go back and forth really quickly on the spot it looks so try hard.

i still made them dead.

I lold though when I got this really good vantage point with a sniper rifle - the enemies just go back and forth really quickly on the spot it looks so try hard.

i still made them dead.

Yeah, sniping is pretty easy when you can hit enemies from beyond the range they can detect you from. Silly AI is silly. Of course, with the 4 x exploding sniper I just got with a very high chance of elemental damage and a 3.6 fire rate, My sniper is now also a great close range weapon.


After hearing all the great reviews everywhere, i am still leaning towards Fallout 3 more. Dun know why, maybe becos of the settings?


Yeah mooney - I'm level 20 now I only play an hour every other day at the moment i think i need to update my graphic drivers.


Is it me or does it get dark more often than it does light? A mod to mess with the day/night cycle would help because I cant see shit when its dark.


LSD if i had to pick between these two games I would opt for fallout 3 its just so funny.

But i would not pass up borderlands it should be on your list pal.

LSD if i had to pick between these two games I would opt for fallout 3 its just so funny.

But i would not pass up borderlands it should be on your list pal.

That's the problem. Too many games released close to each other. I already have Fallout 3 GOTY, and I picked up Oblivion GOTY yesterday. And I am going to pick up GOW Collection this 17th Nov. And i am still playing Tekken 6 and RE5 in the meantime. As you can see, my gaming time is fully occupied :blink:


i guess i will definitely try this game out when this game is cheaper and I finished up some of my games. I need more gaming time ;)


Your doomed - your lucky you dont play football manager too...

dont forget to eat sleep and drink water.

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