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Had my eye on this since it was announced looking very good!

I think its a bit odd that THQ who published S.T.A.L.K.E.R have suddenly found another post apocolyptical first person shooter set in eastern Europe.


I don't know what it is with this game but it's sucking me in big time.


that looks pretty good. kinda Fallout3 meets Stalker.


Its gonna play like half life 2 apparently they are focusing on a good single player experience and about bloody time with all this bullshit multilayer flying around now.

There is interaction with characters and weapons need to be bought so I'm sure you can guess this will have some minor RPG element to it.


Along with this, aliens colonial marines and Postal three next year already has me pretty pumped, though I was disappointed with this years list of games, except batman..



Metro 2033 is supposed to be out early next year - The next time we get an update for this game I reckon the bandwagon will really start rolling.

looks cool but they didn't show any gameplay besides those 2 seconds of walking at the end so who knows.


And it's THQ, who hasn't put out a game that lives up to expectations in what, 10+ years?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R did.



THQ didn't dev Stalker, they only published it. Maybe theres a chance too with this, since 4A Games is dev and not in house THQ...never heard of 4A Games mind you. Everything in-house THQ seems to suck, REALLY bad.

looks cool but they didn't show any gameplay besides those 2 seconds of walking at the end so who knows.


And it's THQ, who hasn't put out a game that lives up to expectations in what, 10+ years?



looks cool but they didn't show any gameplay besides those 2 seconds of walking at the end so who knows.


And it's THQ, who hasn't put out a game that lives up to expectations in what, 10+ years?




My point exactly...if it was developed by THQ, but again it wasn't it was only published by them. That game sucked ass, and I say that having given it more than one chance and I like Warhammer...SUCKED...ASS

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