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Modern Warfare 2


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OK... Im usually on just after 7 AM EST. I'm 3rd shift so Im just getting home, and ready to get on it. I see plenty of you guys (and gal) play MWF2... Next time your on and you see me, hit me up if you feel like playing.


I just sent the Don a message but he logged before it got to him. Im going back this very second, but again... If you see me on, and feel like playing some special Ops (perhaps you need more stars) or just want to team up and see what we can do online, hit me up. Im likely to join you.

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Not really. Tekken just plain does not work for me, even with the patch. I denied a few matchups, and choose the best one, and it did the same as it did for us.


As for everything else, works usually. Sometimes I believe though, on MWF2, If I become the host, I am god. LOL practically anyone who IS connected to me is froze in time, save a few really lagged out ppl, and Im free to do as I wish. But after the match I get disco from live and I have to reconnect. Im sure they will patch this eventually.


But yea, I play with my friends from florida and everything runs perfectly. It's just a few occurrences and Tekken thats giving me troubles.


So anyway... Just checking if anyone even posted interest... back to the game.

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Yea patches come out for practically everything. Games are sometimes rushed, sometimes not, but in either scenario there are often tweaks that need to be made. Gears of War 2 for instance, has "suffered" from countless rebalancing, and honestly requires more. Other patches includes polished up driving mechanics for Alone in the Dark. Patches are normal and necessary.


Well trying to team up with ppl from here sucks. By the time I do play with someone from the site, Im gonna be quite skilled. Im already starting to fix my kill/death ratio. I started off pretty bad, but i'll slowly fix this. .71 right now. hopefully ~3 hundredths a day. Perhaps in two weeks Ill hit 1.0 unless I can make 600 kills and no deaths today... LOL


If only...

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If I do id get revenge. :(


Well I haven't been playing as much as I would like, but I am fixing my kill death ratio... very very slowly. Somedays it doesn't go so well. But regardless, I get those kills. No one seems to play much at all, if at all. I have no idea why, the game is ridiculous fun!

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