U-Said-it Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 (edited) Hi, I am trying to create a selfbooting Dreamcast disc with CD-DA. It's not an actually Dreamcast game, but an emulator for it that will play games with cdda. I figured the principal would be the same and all though, with the emulator binaries - 1ST_READ.BIN, IP.BIN, etc... So, what I tried was following this infamous tutorial below. Quote Tutorial for games with CDDA:—————————–1) Make a directory on your hard-disk called “selfboot”2) UnZIP this whole file (E-SELFBT.ZIP) to the directory.3) Download Win32 Binaries for CDRECORD & MKISOFS from:ftp.fokus.gmd.de/pub/unix/cdrecord/alpha/win32/cdrtools-1.9a03-win32-bin.zip4) Unzip the file (cdrtools-1.9a03-win32-bin.zip) to the directory you madeon your hard disk earlier called “selfboot”.5) Insert the Utopia Boot-CD version of the game into your CD-ROM drive,Copy over the IP.BIN and 1ST_READ.BIN from the CD over to the “selfboot”directory on your hard disk.(Note 1: IP.BIN cannot be found on Accession releases, therefore Accessionreleases cannot be made self-boot from this method.)(Note 2: 1ST_READ.BIN might not be the exact name of the boot filename, Ifyou want to check what the boot filename really is on some games, open upIP.BIN in a hex or text editor. Look on the top, It should say somethingsimilar to: “V.001XXXXXXXX BLAH.BIN”. If it says this, That means thatBLAH.BIN is the boot-filename, and this is the file that you should copyover. If the game is using WinCE this filename will be 0WINCEOS.BIN.This file will be referred to as BOOT.BIN from here-on.6) OK, So now in your “selfboot” directory, you should have this tutorialunzipped, cdrecord and all related cdrecord tools, and you should alsohave copied over the IP.BIN and BOOT.BIN from the game that youare working on.7) Make a subdirectory called “data” inside your “selfboot” directoryand copy ALL game data files from the Utopia-BootCD game into thisdirectory. Also, delete the file IP.BIN from the “data” directory ifyou already have it in the root of your “selfboot” tree. Also deletethe BOOTFILENAME.BIN (generally 1ST_READ.BIN) from your data tree ifyou have already put this file in the root of your “selfboot” tree.(Note: All files that you copy from a CD will have Read-Only attributes,You must take these off before continuing.) Make a subdirectory called “cdda” inside your “selfboot” directorytree. Fire up CDRWIN and click the Middle Icon on the top rowcalled “Extract Disc/Tracks/Sectors”. Choose your CD Reader in whichthe original Utopia Boot-CD Game is inserted. Choose the Select Tracksoption at the top. As you will see in the Track Selection box atthe left, Audio tracks are represented by Red Circles. Click on Tracks2 – X, where X is the last CDDA track. As you click on them they shouldbe outlined in black. For image filename input: “C:\selfbootcdda rack”,Where C:\selfbootcdda is the “cdda” directory inside your “selfboot”tree.9) The above step should have read in CDDA tracks 2 -> End and placed themas WAV files named trackxx.wav inside your “cdda” directory. They shouldstart with track02.wav and go up to trackxx.wav where xx is the lastCDDA track on the CD.10) Open up a DOS Prompt and switch to your “cdda” directory. Type in thefollowing command:copy track03.wav track01.wavAfter doing this, You should have generated Tracks 1 – 3, You shouldnow have 3 4-second dummy tracks as Tracks 1 – 3, and have real CDDAfrom 4 -> End.11) Now, you have 2 ways of achieving the same thing for this step, I willgo over both ways and you can choose whichever you want. To start offfor both methods, insert a blank disk into your CD-Recorder.1) CDRWIN Method:a) Fire up CDRWIN.Goto the first icon on the top left: “Record Disc” Click the icon in the top right corner: “Load tracks”c) Click add, then choose ALL trackxx.wav files in your “cdda”directory. Arrange them in order so they go from track01.wavto the end. Click OK to add them to your disc layout.d) Click the tab “Open New Session” near the bottom.e) Burn this CD.2) CDRECORD Method:a) If your CD-Recorder cannot use the “Open New Session” optionin CDRWIN, You have one more way to do it, that may or may notwork. In the “selfboot” directory you should have the cdrecord toolsetunzipped. You should see files such as cdrecord.exe, mkisofs.exe,and cygwin1.dll.c) Run the following command from a DOS Prompt:cdrecord -scanbusd) This should show you a list of CD-ROM and CD-Recorder units installedin your system. Look for your CD-Recorder and find the SCSI Bus ID#.It will be in format x,x,x. It will also be referred to as x,x,x forthe rest of this tutorial.e) In your “selfboot” directory, run the following command to recordthe 1st session of the disk:cdrecord -dev=x,x,x -multi -audio \cdda rack01.wav cdda rack02.wav etc.Continue going with your track list until you have input all tracksin order. If this whole command does not fit into your DOS Prompt,make a batch file with this long command and run the batch file.You can optionally include “speed=x” after -audio, Where x is themaximum speed that your CD-Recorder can record at.12) OK, Now that you have the first session (CDDA) burned, it’s time to move ontothe second. This is the crucial part so make sure you pay attention andfollow things closely. You should already have all game data files in thesubdirectory “data”, besides the BOOT.BIN and IP.BIN.13) Read over the CDRECORD burn instructions. Find out the SCSI Bus ID# ofyour CD-Recorder If you have not done so already. Run the followingcommand:cdrecord -dev=x,x,x -msinfoIt will spit out a number in the form x,y. Values differ enormouslyfor games that have different amounts of CDDA burned to the firstsession. Make sure you get the correct value.14) Run a DOS Prompt and goto your “selfboot” directory, You should havean executable there called “BINHACK.EXE”. In addition you should havethe BOOT.BIN (generally called 1ST_READ.BIN) and IP.BIN in thisdirectory.Run the program BINHACK.EXE. When it prompts you for the Binaryfile to modify, Pick the BOOT.BIN. If it detects that the BOOT.BINis a Windows CE Exectuable (0WINCEOS.BIN), It will not modify the0WINCEOS.BIN. If it detects that this Executable is a normalKatana Executable, It will ask you for the the -msinfo number thatCDRECORD gave you in the last step. It will then modify theBOOT.BIN according to the number that cdrecord -msinfo gave you.Next, It will ask you for the filename of the Bootsector. Here,you should input IP.BIN. It will hack the IP.BIN for self-bootpurposes.(Side Note: Only input the 2nd Number that MSINFO gave you,Ex. If it gave you: 0,163012, Input 163012 when BINHACK promptsyou for the MSINFO number.)15) Once the changes are made with BINHACK.EXE to the BOOT.BIN file, Copythe BOOT.BIN over to the “data” directory’s root. Please make surethat you did not rename the file to actually be called BOOT.BIN.It should still be called the original filename that you found outfrom Step 5.16) Now, you should have in your “data” directory, All game data files,including BOOT.BIN, But it should not have IP.BIN. If you want todummy this CD, You must make a dummy now. You must make a normalfile dummy. Name this dummy “000DUMMY.DAT” and place it into the“data” directory. Please note the overhead limitations ofMulti-Session & Self-Booting that were mentioned at the beginningof the tutorial, and size your dummy accordingly. Your next stepis to run MKISOFS and make a ISO out of these files. Run thefollowing command while you are in your “selfboot” root directory:mkisofs -C x,y -V ECHELON -l -o data.iso data“x,y” should be the numbers outputted to you from cdrecord -msinfoearlier.17) Run “IPINS.EXE” from the “selfboot” directory, In a DOS Prompt.It will prompt you for the Bootsector filename, Choose IP.BIN.It will then prompt you for the ISO filename, Choose the file“data.iso” which you just generated in the last step. It willpatch IP.BIN as the bootsector on data.iso.18) You should now have a fairly large sized data.iso file sitting inyour “selfboot” directory tree now. It is time to burn this file.You should still have the disk you burned the audio session toearlier inserted in your CD-Recorder. You can do this witheither CDRWIN or CDRECORD, Just as the Audio Session Burning.1) CDRWIN Methoda) Fire up CDRWIN. Click the 2nd Icon from the Top Left: “File Backup and Tools”.c) For Backup Tool/Operation: Select “Record an ISO9660 Image File”.d) For Image Filename, Choose data.iso in your “selfboot” directory.e) Under Recording Options, Select your CD-Recorder. Check thefollowing options accordingly:Disc Type: CDROM-XATrack Mode: MODE2SPEED: Whatever You WantFinalize/Close Session: YesWrite Postgap: YesOpen New Session: NoTest Mode: NoVerify Recorded Image: Nof) Click the start button and you are burning.2) CDRECORD Methoda) In the “selfboot” directory you should have the cdrecord toolsetunzipped. You should see files such as cdrecord.exe, mkisofs.exe,and cygwin1.dll. Run the following command from a DOS Prompt:cdrecord -scanbusc) This should show you a list of CD-ROM and CD-Recorder units installedin your system. Look for your CD-Recorder and find the SCSI Bus ID#.It will be in format x,x,x.d) In your “selfboot” directory, run the following command to recordthe 2nd session of the disk:cdrecord -dev=x,x,x -xa1 data.isoYou can optionally include “speed=x” after -audio, Where x is themaximum speed that your CD-Recorder can record at.19) You are done! Eject the disk and try it in your Dreamcast.—————————————————– Problem is that my dual-boot Vista 32 & 64 bit setup, with it's specific disc drive, won't run CDRWin, and it fails with Cdrecord every time. I've tried several different versions of cdrecord, and using cd-rws for testing purposes, I got nowhere. Are there any alternative methods/programs to do the above task of a 1st session cd-da track, followed by a 2nd session 9660 iso track? Edited December 25, 2009 by U-Said-it
cOcO! Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 Get rid of vista, really... If you are going to make a NEO4ALL game to boot on your dreamcast (with the emulator embedded, that is) you will need bootdreams installed. 1) Extract all the NEOGEO CD data from the ISO into an empty folder. This folder should be located at C:\NAMEOFFOLDER2) Put the NEO4ALL files in the same folder you have extracted all the NGCD game data (1st_read.bin, ip.bin, splash.bmp and the CFG file)3) Put ALL the audio tracks into the CDDA folder in the root of bootdreams.4) Open up bootdreams, select CDRECORD method, click on EXTRAS and select ADD CDDA TRACKS. In SELFBOOT FOLDER choose the folder where you have all the data extracted from the NGCD ISO, in CD LABEL put whatever you want and select DATA/DATA as disc format. Click on PROCESS, select the burner you want to use, and when the dialog box with the audio tracks appear, select them in order, and remember NOT to select AUDIO.RAW. When finished you will have your selfboot NGCD disc with all the audio tracks on it. If CDRECORD method refuses to work, use ALCOHOL 120% method, as it's the only method (besides cdrecord, that is) that supports CDDA tracks. Once finished, burn the MDF/MDS image with ALCOHOL 120% and try it on your dreamcast
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