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My xbox is load full now .

I am now testing my lightgun i have problems with the calbration it.

I can shoot im calbration menu but when do i know the calbration is don??

And in the games i can shoot but not go from left to right up and down.


plz help renigate 2

Lightgun joytech


Greetting XeRoN

Edited by xeron19580

I don't know what to tell you really, it works for me is all i can say.

Try it.


That worked for me too.

You have to calibrate and play in 480p (not sure about 480i) and put your screen in non-widescreen (if you have an HD TV)


But still, using the EMS topgun II in Coinops when the gun is pluged in, the rom list scroll down or up unless I hold the gun a particular spot.

Is their a way around that ?


Short answer = NO, what i did was to point the gun off the screen on a horizontal plan without moving the menu's. Then i could lay the gun down on the sofa and use the pad.


Hi, been looking at the gun you guys are talking about. Does it come with multiple (including xbox) adapters as standard or do you have to request a gun with the correct plug to match the system you use?


Also does the recoil feature work in mame games? Does it recoil every time you press the trigger or does the emu tell the gun to recoil?


Looks like a nice gun im thinking about getting one.... aaah (to digress) if only time crisis or house of the dead would work in mame. That would be recreating my arcade experiences. I used to complete house of the dead regularly playing 2 players on my own, a gun in each hand. I used to complete it on £4 (4 creds) on average and sometimes would draw a little crowd. Fond memories... i'd forgotten about that till I saw this thread :huh:


It has adapters wired into it, a USB connection and a Xbox connection. I have model 1 so i cant tell you about the other models

im presuming they come ready to plug in aswell. The recoil feature works independantly of the emulator. You can have it recoil all the time. I only use recoil for calibrating as its neccessary really. But for gaming i switch it off as its f****** annoying

"clunk" "clunk", trust me, you'll see.

It has adapters wired into it, a USB connection and a Xbox connection. I have model 1 so i cant tell you about the other models

im presuming they come ready to plug in aswell. The recoil feature works independantly of the emulator. You can have it recoil all the time. I only use recoil for calibrating as its neccessary really. But for gaming i switch it off as its f****** annoying

"clunk" "clunk", trust me, you'll see.


hmm I would love one of these guns, will give me something to look for on ebay so bonus :huh:

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