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New pokemon game coming out and i gotta tell ya, for someone who always frowning at the new set of pokemon and the same adventure that's shorter than all the games beforehand!

Im sure Pokemon enthusiasts are already but for those who are not, i present:



G/S/C was my favorite version and everything afterward was just eew-ish to me.

The game allows any pokemon who own to follow like in yellow.

Theyre gonna mix some hoenn pokemon in there...ehhhh.

There's tons of other changes that are also explained and in my opinion is cool.

ALso comes with a little device called pokewalker that self trains your pokemon while you play, it sends your pokemon to the device through infrared.... coooool!

The only gripe I have is... Is there gonna a be a Crystal remake? If So....wow.... that sucks salty balls. PokeNerds says that there will not be a Crystal however.

Whadda you all think?


P.S - If admins feel need to place it in nds section(i disagree) feel free to do so,





I only have chimchar :huh:


Guess pokemon has died down since the old days,,,duh

I still was waiting on a 3d game like the darkness games... too bad I never bought it

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