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I sometime visit http://www.theattractionforums.com/ simply to help out or "learn" new stuff.

Its a good place to visit if your in to psychology and can share comments with like minded users.

And place who pays the bills has every right to advertise what they want - but I'm getting a bit "wtf" with some of the stuff this place "sells" before it was just a few books that helped your game improve when picking up chicks but now we are getting stuff like this.




What next? How to pick up girls on the toilet?


I got to be honest this is manipulating a market of eager guys with no clue in some cases - sure buy a book, attend some self help classes, but what the hell a guy has to draw the line some place when "buying" things that make you successful with women.


You can buy audio tracks for the following: Vol. 28 High-End Club Game (Mr. M and Sheriff), Vol. 26 Direct Game (Soul, Badboy, and Cortez) and on and on and on all by highly successful pick up artists.

Just look:




Im all for these guys been successful but there has become that much material the market has gone too crowded

I couldnt gripe about this there without been slayed.

I was getting sent PM by admins/staff basicly trying to sell me stuff thats "pushing" you.


Dam, this place is really pushing the market hard.


I find guys that need to follow this sort of thing, are only successful with easy whores, whereas a keeper won't give you the time of day because she KNOWS you're running a game on her and you are full of shit.

If you really want to find a good woman, get all this pickup crap out of your head, it doesn't work...it only seems like it does with women who would take you home anyway, I know...I've had women where I didn't even have to try.




I could of took a chick home last saturday but didnt - im all for improving but i think there is a line.

I dont like to see people manipulated and think my attention is best served else place.



I could of took a chick home last saturday but didnt - im all for improving but i think there is a line.

I dont like to see people manipulated and think my attention is best served else place.


Sometimes I wonder just how really sarcastic you are.

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