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I believe in XPort emulators SRAM is only saved when you exit the game. But some games had no save function at all, this could be the case with Super GnG.

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***********CoinOPS reignite R5 Standalone now finished******


ps soooooo much stuff added in this build.....if you think its just a slight hack you have no idea how much code is in this and all the changes that have been made.......


from updating unibios.... to more mame drivers...to more botlegs...to full snes support...to new settings...to full megadrive support....to autolunching core support...to cleaning up code....to improving cat support....to improve sorting...to renaming and sorting though 1000s of files to make improvements that are nearly 100percent bug free as per all other builds


Well done. Sounds like a few changes there. (Geniune compliment)

To showcase this you must get it out to the community at large.

Put aside your back 'n' forth with myself and a few others and

share this hard work with users new and old.


Does your new build contain these changes that were posted a while ago? It's the new and updated MAME stuff that I'm mostly interested in.


----------------------- R5 Build -----------------------


Pole Position (Now Playable Properly)

Pole Position 2 (Now Playable Properly)

Hangon (Now Playable Properly)

Super Hangon (Now Playable Properly)

Hydra (Now Playable Properly)

Double Dragon 2 (speed hack added)

Party Time : Gonta the Diver II ( fixed Now Playable)

Rad Mobile (fixed analog controls somewhat)

Rad Rally (fixed analog controls somewhat)

Sonic 3D (fixed analog controls somewhat)

Spectrum 2000 (Background Sound Fixed)

Syvalion (Now Playable Properly)

Players Choices (now single screen bios)

Fire Hawk (Background Sound Fixed)

Cyberball (speed hack added)

1000 Miglia Great 1000 Miles Rally ( Fixed )

Great 1000 Miles Rally Evolution Model (Fixed)

Mille Miglia 2 Great 1000 Miles Rally (Fixed)

Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 (Fixed)

added custom alha fade for video not linked to screenshot

seperated alpha fade and position/size for vertical and horizontal games for pictures and video

added dual screenshot/video support for skinning

added video help now as well as scrolling text (adds 30megs)

added new screensaver mode

added added option to overlay info on random pictures screensaver or random video screensaver

fixed continous scanning though videos now it looks once per line move (if you have alot of video and one is missing it access the 50 times a sec to look)

added option to fast scroll (without preview so it moves rapidly with triggers but no previews at the time of scrolling fast)

added new folders for games / NES / FBA / FB / Genisis / SNES / Old Mame core / XBOX games

added xml into f drive to aid with autolauch of new cores

reintroduced Skin selector screen

Fixed alot of lightgun sources (thanks Mawunit)

added xml to cutom launch games with different core

added oldschool CPS2 or new CPS2 option


----------------------- R4 Build -----------------------


Riot (***Now Playable ***) iq_132 you are the man

Twin Action (Now Playable Properly)

Stagger I (Now Playable Properly)

Red Hawk (Now Playable Properly)

Guardian Storm (Now Playable Properly)

Sen Jin (Now Playable Properly)

Bubble 2000 (Now Playable)

Hot Bubble (Now Playable)

Pop's Pop's (Now Playable)

Mang-Chi (Now Playable)

Spectrum 2000 (Now Playable)

Fire Hawk (Now Playable)

added animation support to skin engine

Added all new Double Dragon 3 (japanese one is alot better)

Updated CP2 games

Street Fighter 2 Anversay edition (Now Playable )

Pheniox edition of CP2 games (Now Playable )

Updated Sega System32 driver (Golden Axe 2, Spiderman etc)

Posted (edited)

I hear your from New Zealand bro.... Ain't it like paradise out there?


I live in crappy upper Midwest US with its crappy weather and its crappy jobs and its crappy traffic.


Wanna trade places? I don't think I'd be sitting inside all day long doing this if it wasn't currently 10 degrees outside. I could use a tan. :thumbsup1:




EDIT: Not knocking ya bro. Just saying that now that R5 is ready to ship, you should take a long ass break and smell the roses. Don't you enjoy biking?

Edited by ressurectionx
Posted (edited)

Hummmmm :thumbsup1:


Where is your sources britney ? or doa ? I want to see your cps2 code for look the differences.

Why you don't want to release your source code ??


Moderators, is it normally ???? are you here ????? don't release the sources code and all modérators ask nothing .......where are you ???


Here for all who don't release your sources and.......


Thanks for respect of this.





We are not MAME policemen here. If MAMEdev has a problem, they can chase it themselves, they don't need our help

Edited by Robert
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