ressurectionx Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Loading everything from one GUI would be nice, but I don't particularly care for the way that a MAME emulator handles things like rom names. I also don't like being stuck with only the skin that BP made. It's nice, but I much prefer Gilles' Dynamic PMIII skins over any CoinOPS skin I've seen so far. Plus you get to resize everything on your own with the XPORT skins. You're not forced into anything. Plus BP never adds anything I'd like to see and talks to me like I'm a moron when we chat, so I know that things I want to see in the future would probabaly be "REM'd out" like he said earlier in the thread. I can't support his vision. But you guys have fun with it.
ressurectionx Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 So with the R4 release, are we limited to only two folders for roms? It seems like it automatically loads anything from D:\Roms and then only allows you one selection for an alternate romfolder instead of the usual four choices.
run088 Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 (edited) look in tdata folder for one with the name babe2010 in that folder is a folder called system in that folder is the ini file which has at least 4 fields to enter into if not more. The name of the folder changes from time to time on different versions of mame it changes in coinops to but it always is somewhere in the tdata folder. Edited January 30, 2010 by run088
BritneysPAIRS Posted January 30, 2010 Author Posted January 30, 2010 if theres much more of this stuff ill get it moved out of this thread to the other thread this stuff is pointless as sorry for what is happening PS if you wants skin etc just make them
ressurectionx Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 "this stuff is pointless as sorry for what is happening" Could somebody give me the King James translation? Much appreciated.
Neo369 Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 hey DOA, what about having tabs at the top of the frame for each system? then you can select which game set you want to play. there could also be an "All Games" tab with all of the games shown. this would be really nice for a lot of people who don't want to see all of the games at once.thanks!
BritneysPAIRS Posted January 30, 2010 Author Posted January 30, 2010 there is a new feature for filtering being discussed and add the ones you want to favs and look at fav to filter games....I dont want alot of ways to hide games as people will get confused and think they arnt there...espiecly people that just pick it up and play which is who this is designed for... rx it means your talk has no point being here...create your own thread please "If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem." quoted by to many people...the orig of the quote is lost
BritneysPAIRS Posted January 31, 2010 Author Posted January 31, 2010 added all showcase CatsFixed naming of all showcase games to suit CoinOPS lookRedid all pics from rx builds to remove black borders and changed the ones that were not suited due to boring pic or to much writing instead of game playReaspected all the pics All thats left to do is add Videos now...add a few more settings and clean it up some more
BritneysPAIRS Posted January 31, 2010 Author Posted January 31, 2010 Settings done for this build now....its in feature freeze at present for bug bash and video adding
ressurectionx Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 Redid all pics from rx builds to remove black borders and changed the ones that were not suited due to boring pic or to much writing instead of game play Are you referring to me when you say that? What builds?
BritneysPAIRS Posted January 31, 2010 Author Posted January 31, 2010 rx alot of screens are from that prerelease set you sent of all artwork for SNES I just adjusted them....and used most of them for my 310 game pack OK got to get the 310 videos now and convert them...... Help guys if you can....its all finalised and looks pretty bug free although I want to improve some stuff (im putting it on a feature freeze as its all good...looks good and pretty much works well enough) MDRIVE_32xBlackthorne MDRIVE_32xDOOM MDRIVE_32xKnucklesChaotix MDRIVE_32xKolibri MDRIVE_32xMortalKombatII MDRIVE_32xPitfallTheMayanAdventure MDRIVE_32xPrimalRage MDRIVE_32xStarWarsArcade MDRIVE_32xTempo MDRIVE_32xVirtuaFighter MDRIVE_32xVirtuaRacingDeluxe MDRIVE_32xZaxxonMotherbase2000 MDRIVE_AdvancedBusterhawkGleylancer MDRIVE_AdventuresofBatmanRobin MDRIVE_AlexKiddInTheEnchantedCastle MDRIVE_AlienSoldier MDRIVE_AlisiaDragoon MDRIVE_ArielTheLittleMermaid MDRIVE_AyrtonSennasSuperMonacoGPII MDRIVE_BattleManiaDaiGinJou MDRIVE_BeautytheBeastBellesQuest MDRIVE_BeyondOasis MDRIVE_BOB MDRIVE_BoogermanAPickandFlickAdventur MDRIVE_BramStokersDracula MDRIVE_BubbanStixAStrategyAdventure MDRIVE_CastlevaniaBloodlines MDRIVE_CombatCars MDRIVE_ComixZone MDRIVE_ContraHardCorps MDRIVE_CrackDown MDRIVE_CyborgJustice MDRIVE_DecapAttack MDRIVE_DuneTheBattleforArrakis MDRIVE_DynamiteHeaddy MDRIVE_ECCOJr MDRIVE_ECCOtheDolphin MDRIVE_ECCOTheTidesofTime MDRIVE_ElementalMaster MDRIVE_EliminateDown MDRIVE_EternalChampions MDRIVE_Gaiares MDRIVE_Gargoyles MDRIVE_GeneralChaos MDRIVE_Ghostbusters MDRIVE_GoldenAxeII MDRIVE_GoldenAxeIII MDRIVE_Granada MDRIVE_GunstarHeroes MDRIVE_HauntingstarringPolterguy MDRIVE_HerzogZwei MDRIVE_JewelMaster MDRIVE_KidChameleon MDRIVE_MegaBomberman MDRIVE_MegamanTheWilyWars MDRIVE_MegaTurrican MDRIVE_MichaelJacksonsMoonwalker MDRIVE_MickeyMouseCastleOfIllusion MDRIVE_MickeyMouseWorldOfIllusion MDRIVE_MicroMachinesTurboTournament96 MDRIVE_MonsterWorld MDRIVE_OutRun2019 MDRIVE_PanoramaCotton MDRIVE_Pinocchio MDRIVE_PiratesGold MDRIVE_Pocahontas MDRIVE_Probotector MDRIVE_Pulseman MDRIVE_QuackShotStarringDonaldDuck MDRIVE_RamboIII MDRIVE_RangerX MDRIVE_RevengeOfShinobi MDRIVE_RingsofPower MDRIVE_RistarTheShootingStar MDRIVE_RoadRashI MDRIVE_RoadRashII MDRIVE_RoadRashIII MDRIVE_RocketKnightAdventures MDRIVE_RollingThunderIII MDRIVE_RoloToTheRescue MDRIVE_SensibleSoccer MDRIVE_Shadowrun MDRIVE_ShinobiIIIReturnoftheNinjaMast MDRIVE_SkeletonKrew MDRIVE_Skitchin MDRIVE_SnakeRattlenRoll MDRIVE_Sonic3DBlast MDRIVE_SonicKnuckles MDRIVE_SonicSpinball MDRIVE_SonicTheHedgehogI MDRIVE_SonicTheHedgehogII MDRIVE_SonicTheHedgehogIII MDRIVE_SpaceHarrierII MDRIVE_SpeedballIIBrutalDeluxe MDRIVE_SpiderManTheAnimatedSeries MDRIVE_SplatterhouseII MDRIVE_SplatterhouseIII MDRIVE_StreetsOfRageI MDRIVE_StreetsOfRageII MDRIVE_StreetsOfRageIII MDRIVE_StriderReturns MDRIVE_SubTerrania MDRIVE_SuperFantasyZone MDRIVE_SuperMonacoGP MDRIVE_T2TheArcadeGame MDRIVE_TargetEarth MDRIVE_TaskForceHarrierEX MDRIVE_TazMania MDRIVE_ThunderForceII MDRIVE_ThunderForceIII MDRIVE_ThunderForceIV MDRIVE_TinHead MDRIVE_TinyToonAdventuresACMEAllStar MDRIVE_TinyToonAdventuresBustersHT MDRIVE_ToejamEarlI MDRIVE_ToejamEarlinPaniconFunkotron MDRIVE_TwinkleTale MDRIVE_UndeadLine MDRIVE_VectormanI MDRIVE_VectormanII MDRIVE_VirtuaFighterII MDRIVE_WiznLiz MDRIVE_WonderBoyinMonsterWorld MDRIVE_XmenIICloneWars MDRIVE_YuuYuuHakusho SNES_3NinjasKickBack SNES_AaahhRealMonsters SNES_ActRaiserI SNES_ActRaiserII SNES_AddamsFamily SNES_AdventuresofBatmanRobin SNES_AdventuresofDrFranken SNES_AerotheAcroBatI SNES_AerotheAcroBatII SNES_Aladdin SNES_AlienIII SNES_AlienVsPredator SNES_AnAmericanTailFievelGoesWest SNES_ArdyLightfoot SNES_Asterix SNES_AsterixObelix SNES_Axelay SNES_BatmanForever SNES_BatmanReturns SNES_BatmanRevengeoftheJoker SNES_BattletoadsDoubleDragon SNES_BattletoadsInBattlemaniacs SNES_BeautyandtheBeast SNES_BestoftheBestChampionshipKarate SNES_BikerMiceFromMars SNES_Bonkers SNES_BubsyII SNES_BubsyinClawsEncounters SNES_BugsBunnyRabbitRampage SNES_CannonFodder SNES_CastlevaniaDraculaX SNES_ChoplifterIII SNES_ChuckRock SNES_Civilization SNES_ClayFighterI SNES_ClayFighterIIJudgementClay SNES_ContraIIITheAlienWars SNES_CoolSpot SNES_Cotton SNES_Cybernator SNES_DemonsCrest SNES_DesertStrikeReturntotheGulf SNES_DonaldinMauiMallard SNES_DonkeyKongCountryI SNES_DonkeyKongCountryII SNES_DonkeyKongCountryIII SNES_DoubleDragonVTheShadowFalls SNES_EarthwormJimI SNES_EarthwormJimII SNES_Equinox SNES_FinalFightII SNES_FinalFightIII SNES_Firemen SNES_Firepower2000 SNES_FirstSamurai SNES_FlashbackTheQuestforIdentity SNES_Fzero SNES_Gods SNES_GoGoAckman SNES_GokujouParodius SNES_GoofTroop SNES_GreatCircusMysteryStarringMickey SNES_Hagane SNES_Hook SNES_Incantation SNES_IncredibleHulk SNES_IndianaJonesGreatestAdventures SNES_IronCommando SNES_JamesPondIIIOperationStarfish SNES_JikkyouOshaberiParodius SNES_JoeMacIILostintheTropics SNES_JungleBook SNES_JungleStrike SNES_JurassicParkI SNES_JurassicParkIITheChaosContinues SNES_KidKlowninCrazyChase SNES_KillerInstinct SNES_KirbysDreamLandIII SNES_KirbySuperStar SNES_Legend SNES_LegendoftheMysticalNinja SNES_LegendofZeldaALinktothePast SNES_LemmingsI SNES_LemmingsIITheTribes SNES_LionKing SNES_LostVikingsI SNES_LostVikingsII SNES_MagicalPopn SNES_MagicalQuestStarringMickeyMouse SNES_MegaloMania SNES_MegaManVII SNES_MegaManX1 SNES_MegaManX2 SNES_MegaManX3 SNES_MickeyMania SNES_MickeytoDonaldMagicalAdventure SNES_MortalKombatIII SNES_MrNutz SNES_Musya SNES_MutantChroniclesDoomTroopers SNES_NBAJam SNES_NBAJamTournamentEdition SNES_NightmareBusters SNES_NinjaGaidenTrilogy SNES_NinjaWarriors SNES_OutOfThisWorld SNES_PhalanxTheEnforceFighterA144 SNES_Pilotwings SNES_Plok SNES_PockyRockyI SNES_PockyRockyII SNES_PopnTwinbee SNES_PopnTwinbeeRainbowBellAdventure SNES_PopulousI SNES_PopulousII SNES_PrinceOfPersiaI SNES_PrinceOfPersiaII SNES_PuttySquad SNES_RenderingRangerR2 SNES_RocknRollRacing SNES_RTypeIIITheThirdLightning SNES_Shadow SNES_SimCity SNES_SimCity2000 SNES_SkyBlazer SNES_SmartBall SNES_SmurfsI SNES_SmurfsII SNES_SoldiersofFortune SNES_SonicBlastManI SNES_SonicBlastManII SNES_Sparkster SNES_Spawn SNES_SpeedyGonzalesLosGatosBandidos SNES_SpiderMantheXMeninArcadesRev SNES_SpiderManVenomMaximumCarnage SNES_SpiderManVenomSeparationAnxiet SNES_SpindizzyWorlds SNES_StarFox SNES_StarFoxII SNES_StoneProtectors SNES_StreetRacer SNES_StuntRaceFX SNES_SuperAleste SNES_SuperBombermanI SNES_SuperBombermanII SNES_SuperBombermanIII SNES_SuperBombermanIV SNES_SuperBombermanV SNES_SuperBonk SNES_SuperBonkII SNES_SuperCastlevaniaIV SNES_SuperDoubleDragon SNES_SuperGhoulsnGhosts SNES_SuperJamesPondI SNES_SuperMarioAllStars SNES_SuperMarioKart SNES_SuperMarioWorldI SNES_SuperMarioWorldIIYoshisIsland SNES_SuperMetroid SNES_SuperPunchout SNES_SuperRtype SNES_SuperStarWars SNES_SuperStarWarsEmpireStrikesBack SNES_SuperStarWarsReturnoftheJedi SNES_SuperTurricanI SNES_SuperTurricanII SNES_Syndicate SNES_Syvalion SNES_Tazmania SNES_Tick SNES_TMNTTournamentFighters SNES_Troddlers SNES_TrueLies SNES_UltimateFighter SNES_UltimateMortalKombatIII SNES_Uniracers SNES_UNSquadron SNES_UrbanStrike SNES_WildGuns SNES_WolverineAdamantiumRage SNES_XmenMutantApocalypse SNES_YoshisCookie SNES_ZerotheKamikazeSquirrel SNES_ZombiesAteMyNeighbors SNES_Zool these are the games ill have to get videos for from what ever is availble.... *****Source changes for the Cores attached********* the common file should be usable in all export emus just leaving a few changes in each of the main cpp of his emulators
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