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Gameboy list are finished. Nes is finished. Nes screenshots will go quick to but the rest will take a minute to do. I can rename them quick but I have to manually pluck them from the folder because they are in xport format. If somebody knows a way to massively pluck files from multible folders at the same time let me know.



Someone was volunteering a few post up to hand patch the years. If you want to do it let me know and I will get you the list to edit.



About your roms I don't think you can use them unless they are renamed to coinops specs. I know this disappoints some people but it can not be helped. The dat files used were the ones for the xtra's project. This is because of the cleaner game name and 43 symbol restrictions of the xbox. There would have been no way to add this many games in a list generated type of way. Had I used goodsets or whatever all display names would have looked terrible and each would have had to be redone by hand. Just the first 2 systems would have required 1800+ hand edits. I got the whole process automated with only the year to be changed that is the only variable I can't automate. This also works for the xtra's screenshots and videos. Just need a bulk renaming program to remove all spaces and symbols other than letters and numbers. Then they should all be coinop compliant. If you use resx or megaman's dat files.


If someone will explain to me how to make a dat file I will be more than happy to make one and request it be put in the emulators package. Or people can make there own by following the directions I stated to alter the resx dat's to work.



First, I wanted to say that I'm impressed with the amount of work you've been doing on this run. That's a big job. I only wish that I was further along with my own project at the moment so you could be basing your work off my newest stuff.


Second, it's really cool seeing somebody use the Xtras stuff this early in the game. I'm hoping that others down the road realize the potential of the Xtras and what it will mean in the future to people looking to put other projects together, and the speed with which you guys should be able to put perfectly working romsets together is proof of how good the system works. The way I figure it, a 42 character limit is more than sufficient when console rom names should be treated just like MAME's are and simply be placeholders for the code/coders to work with. If anything, the Xtras names are too complicated, but the benefit they'll have over MAME's names down the road is you can actually tell what game you're looking at without having to look them up elsewhere.


It's a bummer we can't just work with the pre-established names here... If this ever gets taken further and made to support all the Xtra things we use like commercials, game faqs, synopsis, manuals, strategy guides, game reviews and other's, I hope the coder decides it's worth the time to write the code in a way to work with the Xtras naming conventions so they match all the Xtras by default and eliminate forever any need to be altering everything.


If I weren't running out of time here to be working on this stuff with the intensity I do, and if we already had the sort/filter feature working in the Madmab Edition XPORT emus, and the ability to then display the synopsis full name for games instead of the file name, I'd be right on board with ya renaming all this stuff. But as it is, the MAME names for console games would look like crap in the XPORT emus, and I would really like to be done with my end of the project within the next 45 days or so.


We're in a bind here.... The coder that works on systems without sort/filter features hasn't built it on his own yet, and the coder that jumped onto a system that had fully functioning sort/filter features and Title Name altering doesn't stray a millimeter from his vision.


Just gotta wait it out. Somethin'll give... :D


Good luck to ya man,


Edited by ressurectionx
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I added alot to that filtering and sorting system including such stuff as easy favs :D I think you know I want be altering my vision.....it just wont happen and im not after taking the other emus on for features I will just get all the games running under one interface....


also +T+ you should look at other sources that call emu dev :( you might find alot of cut and pasted code in there...just a hint I do look and I know alot from looking at that and its not based on what I think but on the actually sources themselves




A ) I dont release anything

B ) I dont really documment much

C ) alot of code falls onto the floor and I forget it

D ) alot of code is remmed out as clutter

E ) I except and add any well thought out patchs that dont get in the way of game play and game selection

F ) Anyone is free to use the sources YES shock horror for everyone ive released them unlike eslim and hk they are out and have been out many times.....im fine with you guys doing your own projects with absolutly no issues with what you do with it and maybe we can share features some day


so if someone starts a proper controlled area or site all the questions about releases and features would be sorted...im not interested in this stuff just doing coding work and debugging and moving on....ive told people time and time and time again I dont release it...organise yourselves if you want stuff to happen and as usual it doesnt happen so I move on....its by far not the first time and im sure wont be last time people have all these release issues....whats in it issues etc...I cant even get people to stop giving misinformation out on mass levels about me and the project....if you want to actually know something as other will say im normally availbe on msn etc alot of the time.


anyways this is really a dev thread so start another thread or use rx config one for non dev stuff....



*****how is NES stuff going run time ill patch in the sega stuff fully over the weekend*****


also to all you source people here we have a weeks worth of how its gone



( Number of downloads: 0 )


pinned to this thread where many times people have asked for the sources yet no ones even humbled me with grabbing them



PS rx the xtras have very big potnetial and most of it is based upon your stuff as close as I can in mame zone


also ill add that game someone mentioned in the weekend :D


DRIVER( TetrisBattleGaiden )


GAMEX( 1993, TetrisBattleGaiden, 0, cps3, cps3, nocpu, ROT0, "Super NES", "Tetris Battle Gaiden", GAME_NOT_WORKING|GAME_NO_SOUND )


is added dats are uninportant it will boot any rom pretty much with that name even if its anything snes wise


This release will be launching and ill let people get used to it then ill do another GUI wave as I have code floating around but how they like the cores is best... and weather new features are needed at present you guys are shooting without seeing


I got sms renamed with caps in the game name so dont do anything with it just yet.



lynx, tg16, and nes are part of the same core which is split up for each. This might be a good time to get them in since you already most likely are messing with that source.



Tg16 and nintendo have an easy converting set of screenshots available lynx has a set available and would not take to long to convert because of its size. Lynx, t16 and nes have videos available that easy convert to. Can blow all 3 systems out.


Sega master system has all the stuff released to but the screens will take a little while to pluck. Gameboy has screenshots but it will be march until resx releases its video set. I think he still has about 130 left to complete the system.


It will take some time to pluck the gameboy screenshots because that system supports over 2000 games.


Whenever you free up give me a shout on msn and I will get the new list to you.


Have you looked at the surreal64 source DOA?


This would be a good one to add. Alot of work has been done on an ini for it. The settings for the ini could be imported into coinops. Each one could be setup already so nobody would have to deal with picking cores and tweaking setting with n64 emulation again. This makes it really annoying to play with that emulator.


The readme mentioned on the latest build that it has xport code in it to some extent or he wrote code for it. So it could have alot of similarities to the cores you have have working with so far. Plus it would be a top notch addon I think.


ummm :) im looking at a releaser for now so I can continue on properly


cheers iq your help was greatly appreciated by many many people.....you are the king of drivers for sure....I know im a total newbee compaired to you driverwise


good luck with what ever your doing if you want help in anything you know I can do dont hesitate to ask :)


Thanks for TETRIS BATTLE GAIDEN, one of the best SNES game ever lol


Have you looked at the surreal64 source DOA?


This would be a good one to add. Alot of work has been done on an ini for it. The settings for the ini could be imported into coinops. Each one could be setup already so nobody would have to deal with picking cores and tweaking setting with n64 emulation again. This makes it really annoying to play with that emulator.


The readme mentioned on the latest build that it has xport code in it to some extent or he wrote code for it. So it could have alot of similarities to the cores you have have working with so far. Plus it would be a top notch addon I think.


Yes, it is a great idea :)

We have finish all the work on the INI file now, and 95% of the games working great now :)

But the menu is very old ... if you can add it to CoinOPS, it will be the best with VIDEO PREVIEW :D

Just think to make place for we can read INFO about every games where it is writen if it as bug or not ...




who does the source belong to .... is it truely open source or is it im pissed if anyone uses it source? (sureal ? )


thanks run ill look at inserting all nes tommorrow as well :)

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