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is not good.


I don't remember it tasting like poo when I was a kid. :D


Well according to the cans art work it blows corks of moonshine bottles - cant be good for you.


I'm looking for a straight on shot of that hillbilly to be my new avatar.


edit this may be the one!


I love teh tagline, "it'll tickle your innards!"


You Americans are just used to that nasty HFCS shit, that's why. HFCS is banned here, we use real sugar in stuff.


High Fructose Corn Syrup is disgusting and ruins the flavour in stuff. I've had American Coca Cola...ewww!


It could still very well taste like crap, mind you Mountain Dew tastes like crap to me now...I used to like it, and it's still the same here. Maybe you're just finding out it sucks, like I have?


^Then what do you drink now? I mostly gave up soda when I started working like 3 yrs ago cuz we had a free soda machine. Too much is not good, plus ordering water for lunch doesn't cost anything. But the occasional Dr. Pepper goes a long way in satisfaction lol.


I'm a can of coke guy my self - one for breakfast with a smoke and im good to go.

Poor inky we beat up his mountain dew memory ;(

^Then what do you drink now? I mostly gave up soda when I started working like 3 yrs ago cuz we had a free soda machine. Too much is not good, plus ordering water for lunch doesn't cost anything. But the occasional Dr. Pepper goes a long way in satisfaction lol.


Coffee...coffee and you guessed it, coffee.

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