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I had only heard of packy recently, and only on the internet. I would have thought it was short for pakistani, a resident of Pakistan. I do not know why it is considered offensive.

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I thought packy was that shitty candy white boy otakus eat.


Over here Packy is basically the same level of offense as nigger but for people from India or anywhere near the middle east.


Screw crowds of stupidity, why bother with them anyways when they don't desire to get out of their ignorance bubble? Befriend those who understand you, and put up with those that don't but don't succumb to their words (it's not language that hurts, it's the intention, idiots can change that).


Word's can't do shit to you anyways, you hear what they say and make what of it on your own.


If you call a paki a paki in UK they go off their rocker - Polish also seem to get a hard time for job/labour stealing.

Black folk tend to be left alone but i think in some major citys like Manchester Birmingham, London they do tend to be the more violent in crime statics etc...


Some of the "white" people here are just as bad if not worse than some of the people who move here for a better life, brain doners - weed heads, warped fucked up mother-fucking white trash... (seriously im past the point of violence but some of these little white males could do with some serious beatings)

Until they mature (if they ever do) us "wise" folk are left to tolerate them.


I dated a black girl (foe a few weeks) didnt work out - no biggie...

It didnt help though when I saw this body building steroid using knuckle dragger going round to her house suddenly - but fuck it what the hell can I do... hehe


Paki or packy - was a term used in thatchers brittan (any thatcher fan can kiss my fucking ass that bitch was a whore and does not deserve nothing she fucking ruined this country) when the UK saw massive influx of people from Pakistan/india move to the country for a better life (who can blame them) the Indian people worked hard got jobs and were business minded - pakistanis were deemed lazy, stealing from our benefit systems,

Check out a movie called "This is England" for a small insight into thatchers era.


In the space of 20 years a country pre dominantly white has exploded in to a mulitcultral society.


Suddenly we have Mosks not churches, suddenly we have "polish centres" suddenly we have "china centres" for the community at hand - If I was born in the early 70s I would have lived in interesting times - now Im living in the "new world" where everything is deemed equall.


I see a person not a colour if that person has charecterstics I don't like then fuck him regradless of his race, if im white and i do something shit to an indiain he can call me white trash - if a black guy mugs me your dam right ill call him a nigger ;)


When my head was messed up over the thing with the baby not been mine i had to see a shrink he was a Pakistani the GIRL I slept with had a mixed race child to a Pakistani that would be reason enough for me to hate Pakistanis and call them paki cunts for the rest of their lifes right? Wrong... What do i care what colour her kid is, for a woman to sleep or date a paki in england when she is from a white background is frowned up on over here - yup you read it first here guys Pakistanis are the least popular race in engladn, scotland, irland, northern irland and wales. , coupled with them blowing shit up and making IEDs (not all!) and blowing up people in general thy are considered dangerous and unwanted and un-needed here.


The london bombers lived about a mile and a half away from me in a heavily built up asian estate...

and you wonder why we aint sure about all this shit?


Same as the IRA when that was in motion (and some say it still is but they are weakened and not as operational as they used to be)


Welcome to the world. you should be thankful that you do not live in my world where the minorities are abused racially, LEGALLY akin to apartheid. only, they said it is not apartheid becos it is not south africa. You already have it easy there, believe me. Try living in a world where only 20% of the university entrance are allocated to your race while 80% is given to the Majority race, regardless of your academic result, jobs are given to majorities, majorities get discount in buying houses while the minorities need to pay more to cover for the disparity etc etc.


well truth time.


If you are a grown ass man (and you are at 19) and all you do is play video games and watch anime then yeah you are gonna get shit. You joined the military... not comicon. for the most part those guys are not gonna understand you. and we know that unfortunately people lash out at what they don't understand. I only play games about 5 hours a week, maybe 15 hours a week right when something good comes out. and when I meet people I DO NOT mention I am a 'gamer'.


Social people do not like anti social people and don't understand them. so unless you are willing to change who you are a little bit (be more social, take up a mainstream hobby, blah blah.) then deal with it.


as for the racial stuff, unfortunately thats just life. as we see from our members from all over the globe it's everywhere.

I can tell you...it goes both ways buddy. It's not racism, it's just plain stupidity and lack of intelligence.

Very very true. It blends with what I have to say.


Im 31 now. I grew up just north of Orlando. This place was pretty poor. It was full of stereotypical sights, Rednecks with airboats and big trucks. Hoods with crazy color houses. Run down or old houses. Trailer homes. We had a flee market... I can go on and on. I moved to Altamonte in middle school. Its closer to Orlando. It was upscale most definitely from where I was, but still the same flow was there. We have alittle bit of everything, and everyone. Blacks, whites, oriental, middle eastern, indian, etc. My point is even with all the exposure, there was racism and prejudice.


Now first off, we are all prejudice. Me? Im prejudice against stupid people. Or rather, fools. I cannot accurately describe what it is I dislike, as the description would be endless. But Assholes is somewhere in there.


This may sound like Im talking down, that is not my intention. I'm trying to state this "matter of factly"


First you need to realize the individual is intelligent, and the masses... stupid. Only by acting on your own can you obtain true enlightenment. These people who we are referring to go with the flow of their peers. You also need to know the mind works. We fear what we do not understand.


Things that are new or different are easy targets for "assholes" to try to gain acceptance by their like minded peers. You may notice them looking at their buddies after they say something intended to be hurtful. Its like... "do you like what I just did?"


It's a damn shame that we still see racism and the like today, but it's still there. About the video game playing comments... or slurs... fuck them too. I play alot. And I mean aaaaaaalot. I have heard similar things about me too, Nerdtendo. Thats what someone called my back in high school. Like Inky says. the people your around are predominately more social.


Why do people strike out? What benefit is there in it? All I can say is that they do not view said events or situations or facts, 'like color' to be acceptable. Funny thing is, it is they who are unacceptable. I've seen alot of shit in my 31 years. Most people are oblivious to the reality around them. Weird thing is, it is these networks of false realities that create the world. It is the individuals, the ones outside the box that are superior. I am sorry. If that sounds holier than thou so be it. I am sick and tired of nonsense. Every person I am friends with is an individual. Unique. Its hard for me to be friends with someone who belongs in the audience of jerry springer... or just as bad, on stage.


Shit, thats just one aspect of it.


This is what you may come to find. People are assholes. They are secretly miserable and too lazy to do something with their lives. They are afraid and alone. They will never admit this, even to themselves. All they can hope to do, with their limited intelligence, is stick with the pack in a pointless attempt to fit in. Even if alone they act out, trying to be seen. They are a blight on society. The main problem is there are more of them that us.


I am different. Fatal Rose and I have spoken many times. He is different too... LOL very "different". I mean no harm but the guy is weird. But he is a great guy. I accept him. He is from Cali and they are even more tolerant over there than Central Florida. Sorry... segway. (how do you spell that???) You can ask Fatal, I'm even more colorful that what you can derive from my rantings. I am indeed different. Weird in a sense of over the top non conformity. I have seen some of what you are speaking of, but as Cinder says, it goes both ways. Its not race, its packism. You stand out, your an easy target for the undesirables.


You can hold on to hate, but see it like this if you will. Hate the world, the masses. Not the individuals. Please please please do not loose hope in people, or rather individuals. There are ALOT of cool people out there. Too bad finding them is few and far between. The friends I left back in Orlando... some in the click jokingly dubbed us "League of Nations" 2 Greeks, a black dude, a Jew, a Puerto Rican, an Arab.. lol, he is actually from Jordan. A Korean, and 2 straight white dudes. We are all from the school of taking pop shots at whatever... but jokingly. Side note, there is one guy (a greek) who plays too much and the Jew dude got sick of it and doesn't hang out if the Greek dude is around. Case in point, everyone has their boundaries and limits. But anyway, we joke about race, stereotypes and or whatever. Where I am from, we have seen it all.


To this day I still see it. Say I go into a uppity restaurant and my gear isn't expensive. I may see a few awkward looks. Fuck 'em. People cling to what they are comfortable with or used to. anything outside the "norm" is often scrutinized. Like I said, fuck 'em.


Whatever the case, people can and will strike out. Your case sounds severe and for that I am sorry. I have no idea what the deal is but to hell with what other people think. Please do not shut up. Speak your mind whenever however. If you silence yourself, how will you meet anyone? Everyone I have actually met, I was either expressing myself or vice-versa.


I have plenty more to say but im getting more and more fragmented. I can't say I know exactly how you feel... but then again... I have been there but in different shoes.


You are you. Just don't allow others to inhibit who you are or what you represent. Id personally lean toward Cinders outlook. "If you don't like me, kiss my fucking ass!" It sounds good to me. Anyone who doesn't accept you isn't worth the time to worry about it.


Fuck 'em


Indeed, I have very few real "friends" left anymore, because if you come across as one of society's SHEEP, I don't want to be around you.

I'm ok with it, I don't like fakes, if you have to follow some trend then you fail at life.


Hey look, a crushing wall of text from Krosigrim, haven't seen one of those in a while.

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