ad20 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I'm starting to get into emulation so I was wondering: I still have problems finding working NeoGeo / MAME roms. In most cases I have to try out several versions of the same game until i get it to work.There's a torrent i've found containing CoinOps showcase plus hundreds of roms. Admittedly, i'm not very fond of the controls of coinops, Final Burn Legends is much more comfortable to handle plus it has a nicer skin in my opinion. So hypothetical spoken, if I would download these roms that are supposed to run fine in CoinOps would they do in FBL as well? It's really annoying collecting my games by this try-and-error procedure. For example, i still haven't found any working version of Raiden 2 & 3 on the whole i-net.
The-Ice-Man Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 Unfortunately for you the roms used in CoinOps are a lot older than the roms used in FBL. So if you want to use FBL, you're going to need an up to date romset. You should be looking for either MAME v0.135 or v0.136 for use in FBL. CoinOps still uses MAME 0.84 or something at last check, which is a lot older and not compatible with FBL.
ad20 Posted February 26, 2010 Author Posted February 26, 2010 That's a pity. I don't have that many roms to play in FBL, just the Metal Slug, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury and Samurai Showdown seriesAs i've now noticed, this CoinOps-pack, already contains all thoses games mentioned above.So, should i just forget about FBL since the games are the same anyway or would i experience any lack in quality this way?Basicly, i just want only one emulator on my xbox, preferably FBL because i like it more but since CoinOps comes with a pack of working roms i tend to prefer it over FBL.Is there any reason i should stick with FBL for some roms? If I were to find a complete MAME v0.135-rompack, could i then play all my MAME and NeoGeo games with just FBL?
nes6502 Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 ad20 said: So, should i just forget about FBL since the games are the same anyway or would i experience any lack in quality this way?Basicly, i just want only one emulator on my xbox, preferably FBL because i like it more but since CoinOps comes with a pack of working roms i tend to prefer it over FBL.Is there any reason i should stick with FBL for some roms? You will be missing a lot by using CoinOPS for Neo Geo. FBL is light years ahead of CoinOPS for CPS1, CPS2, Neo Geo, and many other games. Are you going to run the games in 1080i? You will need FBL. Want to use Software Filters and still get 60 FPS? You will need FBL. Don't want to use 6 year old ROMs instead of the latest versions? You will need FBL. Want the most accurate emulation? You will need FBL. It's not hard to find the latest ROMs. If you want plain Jane vailla MAME and don't want any extras (like HD, Software Filtering, more accurate emulation, faster emulation, a dynamic GUI), then CoinOPS will work fine for the most part. Quote If I were to find a complete MAME v0.135-rompack, could i then play all my MAME and NeoGeo games with just FBL? That would cover all the games FBL supports. FBL is primarilly a CPS1, CPS2, Cave, Psykio, and Neo Geo emulator. The best there is for those systems. CoinOPS is an all purpose emulator. FBL is specialized. What it does, it does better than the rest. If you want the best for all games, you will need FBL and CoinOPS. This is the general rule: If you want to play CPS1, CPS2, Cave, Psykio, Konami, Sega, or Neo Geo then you will want to use FBL. Anything else, use CoinOPS.
BritneysPAIRS Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 I personally have no need for FBL now that CPS2 running well... I would disagree with alot of this stuff as I found popular games not to be there and not to work properly and the list of those goes on and on (here is some examples of ones nes said use his emu over mame to test your self I think you will find its not true)......just compair games like gunsmoke, black tiger.....(popular capcom games)...or shinobi or shadow dancer(popular sega games) and make up your own mind..... Just from my observations you should try this stuff out....for CPS2 or 1080i id is the only reason id go FBL and CPS2 is now fixed as well as adding lots lots more.....I have no understanding of why controls are an issue everything I play seems fine and the same.... but to each there own But hey use both or one or the other its just what I use thats all..... and its up to you to listen and take sides or do the best thing and test it for yourself
The-Ice-Man Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 You'll certainly be able to play all the NeoGeo games in FBL alone. You'll also be able to play all the MAME games that the PC version of Final Burn Alpha can play, which is a large selection of 80s, 90s and early 00s arcade games. CoinOps will allow you to play many of the same games, including the NeoGoes, and some others that Final Burn doesn't support, mostly older ones. There are of course some games that FBL runs which CoinOps cannot, and ones which simply run better than in CoinOps. The CPS2, Psikyo and Sega games come to mind, but there are other examples. In terms of quality, it's my opinion that up to date romsets are better than old ones, as they more accurately emulate the arcade boards, so I would go for FBL myself personally. It really is down to what you want to play though. If you only want to play mid 80s onward games, then I'd go for FBL alone. If you want to play those and older ones, it'd be an idea to use FBL for everything that it can play, and then CoinOps for everything it can't. This is of course to say nothing of CoinOp's new ability to launch every existing xbox emulator under the sun now. The less said about that the better.
BritneysPAIRS Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 there are very very very few games coinops wont run...about 10 where as there is over 1000 unique games FBL wont play...soon that number will go to about 10,000 games the less said the better just test the game I said and see for yourself they are popular capcom/sega games that people tell you run better....its easy to see this isnt true....also dont believe that FBL plays lots of games coinops doesnt this is just misinformation....ask them for a list if they ask me ill print sooooo many big name games and later ones like vassara 1 and 2 last post for me on this subject it up to you to test if you want.....i wouldnt beleive anything said its easy to test.... ill post a list if someone asks and it will be a fraction of the full list as it will go on and on and on
The-Ice-Man Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 Use whatever you want ad20. You wanna be able to play everything MAME has to offer, use MAME on your PC. Then you won't have to worry about 'misinformation'.
nes6502 Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 CoinOPS COMBUSTION said: there are very very very few games coinops wont run...about 10 where as there is over 1000 unique games FBL wont play...soon that number will go to about 10,000 games the less said the better just test the game I said and see for yourself they are popular capcom/sega games that people tell you run better....its easy to see this isnt true....also dont believe that FBL plays lots of games coinops doesnt this is just misinformation....ask them for a list if they ask me ill print sooooo many big name games and later ones like vassara 1 and 2 last post for me on this subject it up to you to test if you want.....i wouldnt beleive anything said its easy to test.... ill post a list if someone asks and it will be a fraction of the full list as it will go on and on and on Who's talking about compatability? CoinOPS is MAME. Of course it supports more games. The post is about which plays the CPS1, CPS2, Cave, Psykio, and Neo Geo games better. And that answer is a resounding FBL. CoinOPS is a good second choice for anything FBL can't play or play well (like Gun Smoke).
BritneysPAIRS Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 to me I dont notice the diff on cave except fbl plays ESP Ra. De. with slow down and CoinOPS doesnt, also Guwange crashes in 720p on FBL for me when tested....cps1 and Neogeo I dont notice any diff....and only the later cps2 games have some slower frame rate issues...also phyko games run better but are less correct as the alpha effects are gone... (if you want filters though go with FBL or 1080i as it supports that stuff better/actually does support it I dont so this is why I dont need FBL) thats my tests.... try them both...also every game you try in CoinOPS will work in 720p and 480p/i without exception alot of time was spent going end to end of all 4500 games to make sure they all worked in HD and SD
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