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The pictures are all related because they've all been posted on this forum at some point.

That is the only possible answer


yeh, i recognised most of it. But still don't understand what Will means here :/

On imageshack, when I click on an image to view (cut/paste info) there are pics on the bottom of that page that shows pictures on image shack that are related to the ones I have. At first I thought it was mere coincidence, crazy odds that my picture (singular) was linked to a pic that was from a user on this site. Then As I continued to view my pics, I noticed there were too many to be coincidence. I just started to post all the ones I recognized, as this is very strange to me.


The picture relate thing sucks?

Yes, How i the hell can they link pics that were posted on the same site?!? Say the big guns had appropriate tags... (big/guns/holy shit) how then can they relate them to 3 kids sitting in a auditorium? So since their lazy, they say related pics and throw pics that were posted on the same site as well for filler material. That sucks, but at least they don't put their name on my pics... like photo bucket did.

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