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Lol, Square-Enix.


X360, PS3, PC.


Edit: I can't embed, figure it's because of the dash in the middle.


HELL YEA! Um... they had better learn their lesson from #2.


GRYPH, where are you? Do you see this? It's on.


I'm not seeing anything to get excited about in that trailer. I loved the first Deus Ex on PC the second was trash. hopefully they do something good with this one.


What's with the Baraka arm blades at the end there? Hmm, I'm not feeling excited either. I loved the first, never bothered finishing the second.


Deus Ex you say?




I'm still wondering if there's a bunch of shit on that game I haven't found yet.


I hope this new game is just as broad. Invisible War was pretty meh.


I have hope... although


Although the visionary just did make a Mickey mouse game... He claims they ruined mickey and fractured his character so long ago, he wrote his thesis on that basis. And he got the opportunity to fix Mickey... but still. Its Mickey, the game is stupid. The Deus Ex creator may have lost his thunder. He better be on this and he better save his reputation!


I'll stick to hope.


I don't understand how one can lose their thunder over something like this. All the ion storm folks would have had to do was not forget about the RPG elements. It was the perfect combination of RPG and FPS that led to the success of the first game.

Edit: I can't embed, figure it's because of the dash in the middle.


Cuz you copied the link from the address bar and not the URL slot underneath the uploader's name.


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