carlo3do Posted August 7, 2010 Posted August 7, 2010 (edited) HI BP THIS IS A PART OF LIST OF GAMES THAT SUITABLE FOR COINOPS I DID FROM # TO B CHECK IT PLEASE AND IF YOU LIKE IT I WILL CONTINUE THE LIST. Edited August 9, 2010 by carlo3do
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 7, 2010 Author Posted August 7, 2010 Sure make me a list...If its named like PSX_BlueBreakerBurst it would help me out alot good luck
carlo3do Posted August 7, 2010 Posted August 7, 2010 (edited) LIKE THIS ?? #PSX_1 On 1 PSX_360 PSX_70's Robot Anime Geppy-X PSX_3D Kakutou Tsukuru APSX_AbalaBurn PSX_Activision Classics Atari 2600 Games PSX_Advanced Variable Geo PSX_Advanced Variable Geo 2 PSX_Agent Armstrong PSX_Akumajou Dracula X (ENG-TRANSLATED)PSX_Apocalypse PSX_AirGrave PSX_Armed Fighter PSX_Assault Retribution PSX_Assault Rigs PSX_Asuka 120% Burning Fest Excellent PSX_Attack of the Saucerman PSX_Austin Powers Pinball PSX_Auto Destruct BPSX_Backyard SoccerPSX_Baldur's Gate PSX_Ball Breakers PSX_Ball Blazer Champions PSX_Batman Forever The Arcade Game PSX_Battle Arena Toshinden PSX_Battle Arena Toshinden 2PSX_Battle Arena Toshinden 3 PSX_Battle Arena Toshinden 4 PSX_Battle Master PSX_Battle Tanx: Global Assault PSX_Battle Stations PSX_BattleSport PSX_Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.PSX_Blast Chamber PSX_Blasto PSX_Blood Lines PSX_Bloody Roar PSX_Bloody Roar 2 PSX_Bravo Air Race PSX_Breakneck PSX_Blue Breaker Burst Bishou o Anata ToPSX_Blue Breaker Burst Egao no Asuni PSX_PSX_Bomberman Party Edition PSX_BoombotsPSX_Brain Dead 13 PSX_PSX_Breakout PSX_Buggy PSX_Bugriders PSX_Burning Road PSX_Bushido Blade PSX_Bushido Blade 2 PSX_Bust A Groove PSX_Bust A Groove 2 CPSX_Cardinal SynPSX_CART World SeriesPSX_Castlevania ChroniclesPSX_Chaos Control PSX_Choujin Gakuen GowcaizerPSX_Circuit BreakersPSX_Cleopatra's FortunePSX_Contender PSX_Contender 2PSX_Contra The Legacy of War PSX_Contra Adventure PSX_Cool BoardersPSX_Cool Boarders 2PSX_Cool Boarders 3PSX_Cool Boarders 4PSX_Cool Boarders 2001PSX_Cotton OriginalPSX_Courier CrisisPSX_Cowboy BebopPSX_Cosmowarrior ReiPSX_Crash BandicootPSX_Crash Bandicoot 2PSX_Crash Bandicoot 3PSX_Crash BashPSX_Crash Team RacingPSX_Creature ShockPSX_Crime KillerPSX_Crisis BeatPSX_Critical BlowPSX_Critical DepthPSX_CriticomPSX_CrocPSX_Croc 2PSX_Crusader: No RemorsePSX_Crypt KillerPSX_CT Special ForcesPSX_CT Special Forces 2PSX_CT Special Forces 3PSX_CubixPSX_Cyberbots: Full Metal MadnessPSX_CyberiaPSX_CyberSledPSX_Cybertiger DPSX_Dance Dance Revolution Disney MixPSX_Dance Dance Revolution Konamix PSX_Dance Dance Revolution USA MixPSX_Darius GaidenPSX_Darkstalkers: The Night WarriorsPSX_Darkstalkers: 3PSX_Dead in the WaterPSX_Dead or AlivePSX_Defeat LightningPSX_Demolition Racer PSX_DestregaPSX_Destruction DerbyPSX_Destruction Derby 2PSX_Destruction Derby RawPSX_Detana Twinbee Yahoo! Deluxe PackPSX_Devil DicePSX_Diablo PSX_Die Hard TrilogyPSX_Die Hard Trilogy 2PSX_Digimon Rumble ArenaPSX_Dodgem ArenaPSX_DodonpachiPSX_DonpachiPSX_Double DragonPSX_Dragonball GT Final Bout PSX_Dragon Ball Z LegendsPSX_Dragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22PSX_DragonHeart: Fire & Steel PSX_Dynasty Warriors EPSX_Earthworm Jim 2PSX_Ehrgeiz: God Bless The RingPSX_EinhanderPSX_Elemental GearboltPSX_Elemental PinballPSX_EliminatorPSX_Everybody's GolfPSX_Everybody's Golf 2PSX_Evil ZonePSX_Extra BrightPSX_Extreme Go-Kart RacingPSX_Extreme PinballPSX_Extreme Snowbreak FPSX_F1 Racing ChampionshipPSX_Family FeudPSX_Fantastic Four PSX_Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton (English Translated)PSX_Fatal Fury: Wild AmbitionPSX_Felony 11-79PSX_Fighter Maker PSX_Fighters' ImpactPSX_Fighting EyesPSX_Fighting ForcePSX_Fighting Force 2PSX_Fighting Illusion K1 Grand PrixPSX_Fighting Illusion K1 Grand Prix 98PSX_Fighting Illusion K1 Grand Prix 2000PSX_FirebugsPSX_FistPSX_Fist of the North Star - Hokuto no KenPSX_Flying SquadronPSX_Formula 1 ArcadePSX_Formula 1 Championship EditionPSX_Freestyle Motocross: McGarth vs. PastranaPSX_Freestyle ScooterPSX_FroggerPSX_Frogger 2PSX_Future Cop L.A.P.D.PSX_Future Racer GPSX_G-DariusPSX_Galaga: Destination EarthPSX_Galaxian 3PSX_Galaxy FightPSX_Gamera 2000PSX_Garou Densetsu - Real BoutPSX_Gauntlet LegendsPSX_Gekioh Shooting KingPSX_Genei Tougi - Shadow StrugglePSX_Gekido: Urban FightersPSX_GexPSX_Gex 2: Enter The GeckoPSX_Gex 3: Deep Cover GeckoPSX_Ghoul PanicPSX_GloverPSX_Gokujou Parodius-Da! Deluxe PackPSX_GP ChallengePSX_Gradius Deluxe PackPSX_Gradius GaidenPSX_Grand Theft AutoPSX_GTA LondonPSX_Grand Theft Auto 2PSX_Grid RunPSX_Guilty GearPSX_Gunbare The Game Paradise 2PSX_GunBarlPSX_GunbulletPSX_Gundam Battle Assault PSX_Gundam Battle Assault 2PSX_Gundam: The Battle Master 2 PSX_Gunfighter The Legend of Jesse JamesPSX_GunGagePSX_Gunner's Heaven HPSX_Hard BoiledPSX_Hard Rock CabPSX_Hardcore 4x4PSX_Harmful ParkPSX_HBO BoxingPSX_Heart Of Darkness (2CD)PSX_Heavens GatePSX_Herc's AdventuresPSX_Hogs of WarPSX_Hokuto no Ken Seiki Matsukyu Seishi DensetsuPSX_Hot Wheels Extreme RacingPSX_Hot Wheels Turbo RacingPSX_Hot ShotPSX_Hydro Thunder IPSX_Ichigeki Hagane No HitoPSX_Image Fight/X MultiplyPSX_Impact RacingPSX_In The HuntPSX_Incredible CrisisPSX_Independence DayPSX_Indy 500PSX_Intelligent CubePSX_International Karate +PSX_International Track & FieldPSX_International Track & Field 2PSX_InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy TalePSX_Invasion from beyondPSX_Iron Soldier 3PSX_Ironman & X-O Manowar in Heavy MetalPSX_Internal SectionPSX_Iznogoud JPSX_Jackie Chan's StuntmasterPSX_Jaleco CollectionPSX_Jersey DevilPSX_Jet AcePSX_Jet Moto PSX_Jet Moto 2PSX_Jet Moto 3PSX_Jigsaw MadnessPSX_Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius Tokimeki Forever With MePSX_JinxPSX_Johnny BazookatonePSX_Jojo's Bizarre AdventurePSX_Judge DreddPSX_Jumping Flash!PSX_Jumping Flash! 2PSX_Jumping Flash! 3PSX_Jupiter StrikePSX_Jurassic Park PSX_Jurassic Park Warpath KPSX_K-1 Grand PrixPSX_K-1 The Arena Fighters In the Red CornerPSX_K-1 RevengePSX_Kakuge Yaro Fighting Game CreatorPSX_Kakugo No SusumePSX_Kamen RiderPSX_Kamen Rider AgitoPSX_Kamen Rider Kuuga PSX_Kamen Rider RyukiPSX_Kamen Rider V3PSX_Kart ChallengePSX_Kensei Sacred FistPSX_KickboxingPSX_Kid Klown In Crazy Chase 2PSX_Kidou Senshi Gundam Version 2.0PSX_Killing ZonePSX_Kingsley's AdventurePSX_Kirikou The gamePSX_Kitchen PanicPSX_KKND KrossfirePSX_Klonoa Beach VolleyBallPSX_Klonoa Door to PhantomilePSX_Knockout Kings 99 PSX_Knockout Kings 2000PSX_Knockout Kings 2001PSX_Konami Antiques MSX Collection volume 1 PSX_Konami Antiques MSX Collection volume 2 PSX_Konami Antiques MSX Collection volume 3PSX_Konami Arcade Classics PSX_Konami Open Golf PSX_Kotetsu Reiki Steel DomPSX_Kotobuki Grand PrixPSX_Krazy IvanPSX_Kula WorldPSX_Kyuin LPSX_Land MakerPSX_Last BladePSX_LatticePSX_Le Mans 24 HoursPSX_Legacy of Kain Blood OmenPSX_LegendPSX_Lego Racers PSX_Lethal Enforcers I & IIPSX_Lightning Legend PSX_Loaded PSX_Lode RunnerPSX_Lode Runner 2PSX_LomaxPSX_Lone SoldierPSX_Looney Tunes RacingPSX_Love and DestroyPSX_Lucky LukePSX_Lucky Luke Western FeverPSX_Lupin the Third Punch the Monkey! Game Edition MPSX_Machine HunterPSX_Machine HeadPSX_Macross Digital Mission VF-XPSX_Macross: VF-X 2PSX_Macross: Do You Remember LovePSX_Macross Plus: Game Edition PSX_Magic CarpetPSX_Magic The Gathering BattlemagePSX_Magical DropPSX_Magical Drop 3PSX_Magical HoppersPSX_Magical Tetris ChallengePSX_Makeruna! Makendo 2PSX_Marvel Super HeroesPSX_Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street FighterPSX_MARVEL vs. CAPCOMPSX_MaxRacerPSX_MDKPSX_MechWarrior 2PSX_MediEvilPSX_MediEvil 2PSX_Mega Man 8PSX_Megaman Battle & ChasePSX_Megaman X3PSX_Megaman X4PSX_Megaman X5PSX_Megaman X6PSX_Megatudo 2096PSX_Metal FistPSX_Meta-Ph-List Gamma X 2097PSX_Metal Slug XPSX_Michael Schumacher's Racing World Kart 2002PSX_Mickey's Wild AdventurePSX_Micro Machines V3PSX_MicromaniacsPSX_Midnight Run - Road Fighter 2 PSX_Mikuzi Shigeru no Yokai ButoudenPSX_Mille MigliaPSX_Millenium Soldier: ExpendablePSX_Miracle Space RacePSX_Missile CommandPSX_Mobile Light Force PSX_Mobile Suit Gundam Ver.2.0PSX_MoHoPSX_Monaco Grand PrixPSX_Monaco Grand Prix 2PSX_Monkey HeroPSX_Monkey MagicPSX_MonopolyPSX_Monster RacerPSX_Monster TrucksPSX_Moorhen XPSX_Moorhen Chicken Chase 3PSX_Mort The ChickenPSX_Mortal Kombat 2PSX_Mortal Kombat 3PSX_Mortal Kombat 4PSX_Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-ZeroPSX_Mortal Kombat Special ForcesPSX_Mortal Kombat TrilogyPSX_Moto RacerPSX_Moto Racer 2PSX_Moto Racer World TourPSX_Motocross ManiaPSX_Motocross Mania 2PSX_Motor MashPSX_Motor Toon Gran PrixPSX_Motor Toon Gran Prix 2PSX_MotorheadPSX_Mr DrillerPSX_Ms Pacman Maze MadnessPSX_MTV Celebrity DeathmatchPSX_MTV Sports Pure RidePSX_MTV Sports SnowboardingPSX_MTV Sports TJ Lavin's Ultimate BMXPSX_Muppet Race Mania NPSX_N-Gen RacingPSX_N2O: Nitrous OxidePSX_Namco Anthology 1PSX_Namco Anthology 2PSX_Namco Museum Vol.1PSX_Namco Museum Vol.2PSX_Namco Museum Vol.3PSX_Namco Museum Vol.4PSX_Namco Museum Vol.5PSX_Namco Soccer Prime GoalPSX_Namco Tennis Smash CourtPSX_Nanotek Warrior PSX_NASCAR RacingPSX_NASCAR RumblePSX_NASCAR Thunder 2004PSX_NBA HoopzPSX_NBA Jam Extreme PSX_NBA Jam Tournament EditionPSX_NBA LIVE 2003PSX_NBA Power Dunkers 4PSX_Need for Speed V-RallyPSX_Need for Speed V-Rally 2PSX_Need for SpeedPSX_Need for Speed 2PSX_Need for Speed 3PSX_Need for Speed 4PSX_Need for Speed 5PSX_Newman Haas RacingPSX_Night RaidPSX_Night StrikerPSX_Ninja: Shadow of DarknessPSX_Ninpu Sentai HarikengerPSX_No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking PSX_No One Can Stop Mr. DominoPSX_Norse By Norse West The Return Of The Lost VikingsPSX_NovastormPSX_Nuclear Strike OPSX_Off-World Interceptor Extreme PSX_Oh! BakyuuunPSX_Olympic GamesPSX_Olympic SoccerPSX_Olympic Summer GamesPSX_Omega AssaultPSX_Omega BoostPSX_One Piece Grand BattlePSX_One Piece Grand Battle 2PSX_Overboard! PPSX_Pac-Man World 20th AnniversaryPSX_PandemoniumPSX_Pandemonium 2PSX_Panzer BanditPSX_Parappa the RapperPSX_ParodiusPSX_PD Ultraman Invaders PSX_Penny RacersPSX_PepsimanPSX_PhilosomaPSX_Pinball Fantasies DeluxePSX_Pinball PowerPSX_Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit PSX_Pipe Dreams 3DPSX_PinobeePSX_PitBallPSX_Pitfall 3D: Beyond The Jungle PSX_Plane CrazyPSX_Pocket FightersPSX_Po'ed PSX_Point BlankPSX_Point Blank 2PSX_Point Blank 3PSX_Pong 3D The Next Level PSX_Polaris Snocross PSX_Pop'n MusicPSX_Pop'n Music 2PSX_Pop'n Music 3PSX_Pop'n Music 4PSX_Pop'n Music 5PSX_Pop'n Music 6PSX_Pop'n Music: Disney TunesPSX_Pop n'popPSX_Porsche ChallengePSX_Gouketuji Ichizoku 2 Chottodake Saikyou DensetsuPSX_Power Move Pro WrestlingPSX_PSX_Power Play Sports TriviaPSX_Power Rangers PinballPSX_Power Rangers Time ForcePSX_Powerpuff Girls Chemical X-Traction PSX_PowerslavePSX_Poy PoyPSX_Poy Poy 2PSX_Primal RagePSX_Prism LandPSX_Project Horned Owl PSX_PsybadekPSX_Psychic ForcePSX_Psychic Force 2PSX_Pu-Li-Ru-La Arcade GearsPSX_Punky SkunkPSX_Putter GolfPSX_Puzznic Edited August 10, 2010 by carlo3do
darknior Posted August 7, 2010 Posted August 7, 2010 On PSX you must had, i think, the great 3D arcade games Like : Rival School 1 & 2, Tekken 3, DOA, Street Figher Ex, Toshinden (But for me they are very slow), Bloady Roar, Ultimate Mortal Kombat (who is best one), and some other games like Burnout, ... I can give you some if you want ...
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 7, 2010 Author Posted August 7, 2010 perfect.... that list is good...send it to me please sorry about wierd trolls if they come in ill relock it down for you guys...I see the thread numbers growing which is good....the next build will really sort out the xtras and support across many of the popular consoles...its looking good for a one stop shop for alot of people that have cabs or just want them and there friends to pick up and play
(XBOX) Posted August 8, 2010 Posted August 8, 2010 My balls itch! Bp can you lick them for me? ps. Metal Slug games hang on the loading screen on this build, you suck grape nuts!!!
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 8, 2010 Author Posted August 8, 2010 Sorry guys ill have to lock it down...the trolls cant handle that no one listens to them....and that they killed there sites.....they have tried everything and cryed for years and nothing they try works...I find it amusing as I know they are only trolls...but enough is enough and they dont give up even though they lose every time and always will...sometime they think im threatened by there projects and years and years of work and really they are upset cause ive always said I dont want it, I dont like it and I dont want anything to do with it........and they cry ever since thinking they could shut this down....all ive seen is this site gather most of the people and there sites only being viewed by them now so they have come here or else they may as just have a private forum.. no one can even answer simple questions on there sites now then they come here and say stuff doesnt do x when clearly most of its just the support and the fact they are newbes..... Next time I see GameCop ill try and just get delete privlages so I can just remove the trolls stuff....I dont beleive in censoring them but clearly no one listens to them and clearly they are of no use on any thread really.... PS - clearly trolls as M Slugs have never changed for 2 is line for line the same as when people wanted to help update the neogeo stuff I refused and kept it the same so it wont break ever
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 8, 2010 Author Posted August 8, 2010 Added 300 games to day to ShowROOM 2 builds....had to redo all the videos as xtras for consoles are now all binned as not good enough...but should be able to do 100 plus a day and I only want a 1000 or so for ShowROOM 2 and we hare over half way there..... PM me the PSX games list or a C64 games list....ill lock it down and I know you are all sick of them so ill have a word to Gamecop if hes around for you guys I thought they would have something of interest but really they have nothing of interest to anyone...and they are just level one troll as I suspected they where (PS the newbes should create a I hate BP his stuff is bad and rubbish thread I love those so much and even bump them for makes them look so foolish and its great for a laugh as we all know they are newbes and im not .... oh for more of those great threads )
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 8, 2010 Author Posted August 8, 2010 PS STARCRAFT 2 rules......ive got lots of golds now in the chalengers...ive been holding off playing online as it may eat my time dev here for sure....anyway its a good game for those that loved Starcraft 1
+ T + Posted August 8, 2010 Posted August 8, 2010 Nobody is going to grant you deletion rights for the same reason they wouldn't be given to your "trolls", because your comments are often just as inflammatory as those you wish to delete. I don't agree with individuals hijacking a development thread to throw insults around. But your behaviour in this and other threads has been no better. If you would handle things in more civilised and grown-up manner you might have a chance of getting some of the things you want. But as it is, I can't see it happening.
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