BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 Oh well I know gamecop pretty well (you have no idea of stuff ive done +T+ or why im down as staff and ill ask him when I see him on MSN not via the forum).....ive never asked for such things but hes good to deal ill see...I think its well justified ive asked many times for nothing to happen to them and this is the wrong decidsion I beleive....No offense +T+ but you know id rather you stay out as you have never helped and offer no help really as stated many times.... Anyway gamecop doesnt come on much....when hes around if ever ill have a chat with him thanks for your concern though +T+ I wish you wouldnt be so concerned, it really has never had anything to do with you.....and really im not asking anything from you..... PS my side im getting exactly what I want I have no issues what so ever with everything that is happening ever day I get closer to my goal and nothing has really caused me any real issues, its the poor users who have no real support....I used to leave that to you guys but when fumanchu left I released that all the others where mostly newbes very vocal ones, and really couldnt help with pretty basic stuff ...........................I know you to have an issue with me +T+ so i asked just to leave this well alone........your stuff no offense is of no use one way or the other...its great to see the interest but really its just trolling and not helping as lots are now and even on this forum...its just troll central these days and im sure they know it as well as they have run out of issues and resort to 2 year old stuff as they realise everything they say no one takes with a grain of salt Anyways no more said ill talk with Gamecop when hes around...its obvious there is only one way to get on top of this and its a draconian one
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 another 100 game videos done to ShowROOM level.....
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 Coleco Core and all its games added officallyAtari 2600 Core and all its games added officallyAtari 7800 Core and all its games added officallyIntellivision Core and all its games added offically added to N64 core, PSX core, XBOX game core, Commodore 64 core
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 Virtual Boy Core and all its games added offically
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 unless people really want virtual boy and the other cores ill rem them out as clutter I test all of them and they are all complete rubbish and hard to control. I dont think its work the slight slowdown in the GUI...maybe 2-3 percent more overhead
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 OK another 100 console videos done to CoinOPS level thats 500 extras now....i have about 100 to 200 more to complete before I start assembling a new build for myself
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 People have 2 days for the C64/XBOX/PSX games or its locked down for a while.... the game list PSX_BishiBashiSpecial PSX_BloodyRoar PSX_CapcomvsSNK PSX_CastlevaniaSymphomyoftheNight PSX_CrashBandicoot PSX_CrashBandicoot2 PSX_CrashBandicoot3 PSX_Cybersled PSX_Darkstalkers3 PSX_FinalDoom PSX_GradiusGaiden PSX_GunnersHeaven PSX_ISSProEvolution PSX_JetMotoX PSX_JumpingFlash PSX_MrDriller PSX_Overboard PSX_ProjectTitan PSX_RaidenDX PSX_RaidenProject PSX_Ralph PSX_RidgeRacer PSX_Rollcage PSX_RTypeDelta PSX_Soukyrentai PSX_StarbladeAlpha PSX_StreetFighterAlpha3 PSX_Strider2 PSX_Strikers19452 PSX_SyphonFilter PSX_Tekken3 PSX_TimeCrisis1 PSX_TimeCrisis2 PSX_TimeCrisis3 PSX_ZanacxZanac XBOX_AlienHominid XBOX_Black XBOX_Burnout3 XBOX_BurnoutRevenge XBOX_CapcomFightingEvolution XBOX_CapcomvsSnk2EO XBOX_DeadorAlive3 XBOX_DeadorAliveUltimate XBOX_FuzionFrenzy XBOX_FuzionFrenzy XBOX_GTAIII XBOX_GTASanAndreas XBOX_GuiltyGearIsuka XBOX_GuiltyGearXXReload XBOX_Halo XBOX_Halo2 XBOX_MarvelvsCapcom2 XBOX_NinjaGaidenBlack XBOX_OutRun2 XBOX_Psyvariar2 XBOX_PurePinball XBOX_RaceDriver2 XBOX_RalliSportChallenge2 XBOX_ShikigaminoShiro XBOX_SoulCalibur XBOX_TheRedStar XBOX_TopSpin C64_AlleykatC64_ArchonC64_AttackMutantCamelsC64_AufWiedersehenMontyC64_BarbarianC64_Barbarian2C64_BeachheadC64_Beachhead2C64_BeyondCastleWolfensteinC64_BoulderDashC64_BounderC64_BruceLeeC64_BuggyBoyC64_CaliforniaGamesC64_CastleWolfensteinC64_CauldronC64_Cauldron2C64_Chessmaster2000C64_CommandoC64_CreaturesC64_DanDareC64_DizzyC64_DropZoneC64_DruidC64_DynamiteDanC64_EaglesNestC64_EliteC64_EquinoxC64_ExolonC64_FightingWarriorC64_FistC64_Fist2C64_GhostsNGoblinsC64_GribblysDayOutC64_HeadOverHeelsC64_IKC64_IKPlusC64_ImpossibleMissionC64_ImpossibleMission2C64_JetSetWillyC64_KaratekaC64_LastNinjaC64_LastNinjaIIC64_LastNinjaIIIC64_LittleComputerPeopleC64_LoderunnerC64_ManicMinerC64_MontyontheRunC64_NebulousC64_NemesisC64_ParadroidC64_RamboIIIC64_RebounderC64_RickDangerousC64_SaboteurC64_SabreWulfC64_SentinelC64_ShadowoftheBeastC64_SpyHunterC64_SpyvsSpyC64_SpyvsSpy2C64_SpyvsSpy3C64_SummerGamesC64_SummerGames2C64_TheSacredArmourofAntiriadC64_ThingBouncesBackC64_ThingOnASpringC64_ThrustC64_TrailblazerC64_UchiMataC64_UridiumC64_UridiumPlusC64_UridiumUltraC64_WayoftheExplodingFistC64_WhoDaresWinsC64_WhoDaresWins2C64_WinterGamesC64_WorldGames
carlo3do Posted August 9, 2010 Posted August 9, 2010 HI BP TACK OFF THE FINAL DOOM FROM THE PSX LIST IT WONT RUN ON XBOX
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 will do when can you give a full list?? ive done a total redesign of console sorting and included everything like a new sort by Players etc....ive kind of looked at it again end to end and taken out a bit of the patched in way of doing its seemless now also while coding it I got another 50 console videos done getting close to now to a much bigger list for consoles...also did alot of new cores but dont really think they fix into coinops in fact I can see why people turned away from consoles with these machines
carlo3do Posted August 9, 2010 Posted August 9, 2010 I HAVE DONE FROM # TO M I WILL CONTINUE TOMORROW I AM TIERED
BritneysPAIRS Posted August 9, 2010 Author Posted August 9, 2010 no worries I am about to pack up....the codings pretty much done and its recieved a bit of it has a few warnings now to rescan your games if your cats arnt right and a few other things....just another layer of polish added....really fine details stuff but im liking the GUI better now
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