jobo Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 no worries bud...hopefully I get time soon to release more stuff ill bed the gf to let me tidy this stuff for release....its not so easy these days Hand her a ds and a copy of tetris and she wont be bothering you for some time, we're dying for a new release her!
pookie75 Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 Hey BP, been away for a while but nice to see CoinOPS is still moving along. If im not to late and im not sure which of these is already in but is there any chance of adding support for any or all of the following. (The N64 Games will all work pretty well with default settings, and the BoR Mods will all run as stand alone XBOX XBES). C64_Squirm N64_1080SnowboardingN64_BanjoKazooieN64_BatmanBeyondReturnOfTheJokerN64_BeetleAdventureRacingN64_CaliforniaSpeedN64_CameleonTwist2N64_CastlevaniaN64_CastlevaniaLegacyOfDarknessN64_CruisnUSAN64_CruisnWorldN64_CyberTigerN64_DiddyKongRacingN64_ExtremeGN64_FightingForce64N64_FZeroXN64_Gex64EnterTheGeckoN64_Gex3DeepCoverGeckoN64_HerculesTheLegendaryJourneysN64_HotWheelsTurboRacingN64_InternationalTrackAndFieldN64_Kirby64TheCrstalShardsN64_LegoRacersN64_LooneyTunesDuckDodgersN64_MaceTheDarkAgeN64_MarioKart64N64_MarioPartyN64_MickeysSpeedwayUSAN64_MicroMachines64TurboN64_MonsterTruckMadness64N64_MortalKombatTrilogyN64_MRCMultiRacingChampionshipN64_NaganoWinterOylmpicsN64_NuclearStrike64N64_OffRoadChallengeN64_PaperboyN64_PaperMarioN64_RallyChallenge2000N64_RampageWorldTourN64_Rampage2UniversalTourN64_Rayman2TheGreatEscapeN64_RoadRash64N64_RR64RidgeRacer64N64_RushExtremeRacingN64_Rush2ExtremeRacingUSAN64_ScoobyDooClassicCreepCapersN64_SnowboardKidsN64_SnowboardKids2N64_StarSoilderVanishingEarthN64_StarWarsRacerN64_SuperMario64N64_SuperSmashBrosN64_TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTimeN64_TheLegendOfZeldaMajorasMaskN64_TheNewTetrisN64_TomAndJerryInFistsOfFurryN64_WaveRace64N64_WCWMayhemN64_WheelOfFortuneN64_Wipeout64N64_XenaN64_YoshisStory XBOX_ATaleOfVengeanceXBOX_AsterixAndCaesarsChallengeXBOX_BalanceOfPowerXBOX_BattleToadsXBOX_BeatsOfRageXBOX_CaptainCommandoAndTheAvengersXBOX_CavemanNinjaXBOX_CrimeBusterXBOX_CrisisEvilXBOX_CrisisEvil2XBOX_DoubleDragonEXtremeXBOX_DoubleDragonSNKXBOX_DoubleDragonUnleashedXBOX_DoubleDragonZeroXBOX_DragonsOfRageXBOX_EdEddnEddyNightmareOnEdStreetXBOX_FinalFightApocalypseXBOX_FinalFightTheLastRoundXBOX_GolenAxeRemakeXBOX_HyperFinalFightXBOX_HyperFinalFight2XBOX_LadiesOfRageXBOX_MegaManWarOfThePastXBOX_MegaManXtremeXBOX_MortalKombatUnlimitedXBOX_RageOfTheStreetsXBOX_ReturnOfDoubleDragonXBOX_RhythmOfDestructionXBOX_RhythmOfDestruction2BlueXBOX_RhythmOfDestruction2GreenXBOX_RhythmOfDestruction2RedXBOX_RhythmOfDestructionSFIIXBOX_SailorVXBOX_SaintSeiyaDeathAndRebirthXBOX_SkullKingzXBOX_SplatterhouseXBOX_Splatterhouse2XBOX_Splatterhouse3XBOX_XMen The following have been taken from Midway Arcade Treasures 3 to work as stand alone XBES -XBOX_Hydro ThunderXBOX_OffRoadThunderXBOX_RushTheRockXBOX_SanFranciscoRush2049
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 2, 2010 Author Posted September 2, 2010 I can add more games....N64 core needs some work...I only added the games I felt at present 10 of them I think....but ill try and get that in...I heard there was PSX_ games as well but havent seen that list....also no list for XBOX_games if you want openbore games please name them to XBOX_BOR_XMen and ill add them....please send me links to stand alones and ill look at them.... I can add names easy would help if in the next few weeks someone got the list of game together or ill have to add them post Epic R1....
jobo Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 (edited) If it's not too late to add games, I've got a few more suggestions of great games not yet included. GBA: Chu Chu RocketKuru Kuru KururinPac-Man Collection (It's got Pac-Man Arrangements included, which is fantastic)Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Saphire NES: Blades of SteelIce Climber (The Game that the first NES owners in Sweden got included. A true Classic!)Track & Field IIZelda II - Adventure of Link (I know, it' not arcade, still an amazing classic) Edited September 2, 2010 by jobo
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 2, 2010 Author Posted September 2, 2010 ummmm im not really making packs you guys should do that...I can add the names...but I do have a best of 1000 games pack and ill add those... Added Screensaver Game Snapshots Made all the cores have consistant A = fire and B = jump for each core....none of this A X or X A or what ever combo it has....
icon123 Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 (edited) BP, Did you not get my psx list yet? grr has it and said it was up on msn for you to get. If you don't have it yet, give grr a jingle. I also did a N64 one too. Edited September 2, 2010 by icon123
Trig Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 BP you should have a PM with a compilable version of mame-b6. Let me know if you have any issues with it. On another topic, I would request you reconsider placing any requirements on the user having console roms. Personally, I don't think I have enough disk space left on my xbox to meet the threshold and I'd hate to remove arcade games to use the newest version. You're punishing more than your nemeses with this.
(XBOX) Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 "starrrrrrrs" Trig no worries he wont handicap his emu just to get at certain somebodys..hehe...
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 3, 2010 Author Posted September 3, 2010 Ill send you a build trig its all good.... but the full version will have if you have more than x games 1/3 will be home games, I did this stop RX once and also for the first build to stop newbes so its nothing new and helps me out so this will be happening and ill just decide what x =....this will help get the word out that the trolls are incorrrect or newbes and have killed everything they touch for a reason....after a while that will be dropped (to people I know that restriction wont apply) cheers for the build ill test it and get back to you soon..... id like to do a few features that ive struggled in the final hours if you want to help if not ill have time later to nail the issues and insert them Trig is a good coder....alot of knowedge I wish he could do a little work for us....I carry broad shoulders....also dont worry about the trolls Trig just drop stuff on MSN its all good and thanks PS no PSX or N64 list at present im kind of behind on that stuff the features all work I just need the names and ill do it....
BritneysPAIRS Posted September 3, 2010 Author Posted September 3, 2010 fatal error ............. Compiling...hd6309.cCompiling...h6280.cCompiling...ccpu.cCompiling...asap.cCompiling...arm.cCompiling...adsp2100.cLinking....\Debug\68000.obj : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file</pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>Results</font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5> </td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF> </td><td width=*><pre>Build log was saved at "file://e:\Mame B6\MameB6\Debug\BuildLog.htm"MamePort - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)</pre></table><table width=100% height=20 bgcolor=#CFCFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2></font></table></body></html>
+ T + Posted September 3, 2010 Posted September 3, 2010 ....this will help get the word out that the trolls are incorrrect or newbes and have killed everything they touch for a reason....No it won't. It will just get the word out that your attitude towards developing is that of a child. Nobody cares about all this except you and you won't force people into caring about nonsense by trying to punish them through such restrictions. Personally it doesn't affect me since previous builds play every game I'm interested in just fine and more and more I'm moving over to PC emulation these days, but again I'm compelled to point out that your behaviour as a developer and the contempt you seem to show for the users you claim to want to help is a disgrace to what's left of the Xbox homebrew scene.
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